Application will open april 4, 2025 

Career Potential


SUDC certificate earners have the opportunity to enter an in-demand and growing career. Substance use disorder counselors work in a variety of different settings, from rehabilitation clinics and healthcare facilities to employee assistance programs and community health centers. SUDC counselors help people who have alcohol and other drug-related issues. They counsel addicts, those who are concerned they may become addicts, and on occasion their loved ones. A SUDC does not prescribe medication or provide medical or psychological therapy. They usually help with practical problems, for example, helping a client find a job. In individual or group counseling settings an SUDC would help clients:

  • identify behaviors and problems related to their substance use.
  • talk about, understand, and cope with problems.
  • develop personalized recovery programs.
  • establish healthy behaviors and coping strategies.

Program Information

  • The program is entirely online, and takes two to three semesters to complete depending on licensure goal. The program is part-time, meaning students never are required to take more than three SUDC courses at a time. 
  • Consult the table below for more regarding course sequencing. 
  • A personal history of alcohol and/or substance abuse or conviction for past criminal activity or conduct does not affect the chances of a student being admitted to the program. Students, however, must be advised that past or future substance abuse or criminal activity may limit or inhibit them from securing an internship, which is required for completion of the SUDC certificate program. 


Program Schedule

SUDC (Basic License)

ASUDC (Advanced License)

First Semester

SUDC 4710: Introduction to Professional Development 

SUDC 4300: Introduction to Substance Use Disorder Counseling

SUDC 3470: Dynamics of Addiction

SUDC 4710: Introduction to Professional Development 

SUDC 4300: Introduction to Substance Use Disorder Counseling

SUDC 3470: Dynamics of Addiction

Second Semester

SUDC 3430: Psychopharmacology for SUDC

SUDC 481R: Internship (200 hours)

SUDC 3430: Psychopharmacology for SUDC

SUDC 4400: Advanced Substance Use Disorder Counseling

SUDC 481R: Internship (200 hours)

Third Semester
No courses required

SUDC 4720: Advanced Professional Development

SUDC 481R: Internship (150 hours)

man standing on mountain in the morning

Please be advised that completing UVU's certificate program does not guarantee students will become licensed. However, the certificate of proficiency students earn in the program does meet the educational requirements for licensure as a Substance Use Disorder Counselor in the state of Utah. For other states, please reach out to the relevant licensing authority in the state you are interested in. Licensure is determined on a case-by-case basis in each state.

For more information on Utah licensure requirements, please consult the Utah Division of Professional Licensing   For additional information, please feel free to view UVU's Professional Licensure website.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Professional Knowledge of Substance Use Disorders. Students will be able to identify behaviors and problems related to substance use.
  • Proficiency in Counseling by Applying Content Knowledge. Students will be able to develop personalized recovery programs for their clients that establish healthy behaviors and coping strategies and they will do so in strict adherence to professional ethics.

SUDC Application Information


Fall Cohort (SUDC/ASUDC)

The application will open on April 4th, each year and close at 5pm, June 2nd, each year.


Spring Cohort (SUDC ONLY)

The application will open on August 4th, each year and close at 5pm, October 2nd, each year.


Practical Information


  •  Accepted students begin courses in the succeeding semester. Students will be notified of acceptance by July 1st for Fall cohort, and November 1st for Spring cohort.  
  • Prospective students cannot apply for the SUDC program without first being a student at UVU.For general admission information, visit UVU admissions.
  • There are two tracks in the program: a basic SUDC licensure track and an advanced SUDC licensure track. Both levels require students to pass the appropriate licensing exam and complete the required supervised field hours. Contact the state of Utah's Division of Professional Licensing (DOPL) for more information or visit UVU's Professional Licensure website .
      • The Substance Use Disorder Counselor (SUDC) license requires completion of UVU’s two-semester SUDC program which includes a 200-hour internship. Students must also complete 60+ semester credit hours (SUDC courses do count toward this credit total), among other licensing standards.
      • The Advanced Substance Use Disorder Counselor (ASUDC) license requires completion of UVU’s three-semester SUDC program, including a 350-hour internship. Students must also complete a bachelor's degree (in any major), among other licensing standards.

Application Requirements

  • Prerequisites (All the prerequisite courses must be completed with a C- or better):
    • ENGL 2010 Intermediate Academic Writing
    • PSY 1010 General Psychology
    • PSY 1100 Human Development Life Span 
    • PSY 2300 Abnormal Psychology
  • The basic requirements before you can apply to the program, (with additional info):
    • If applying for the Basic SUDC certificate, 40 completed credit hours are required (75% of associate degree).
    • If applying for the ASUDC certificate, 90 completed credit hours are required (75% of bachelor's degree).
    • Minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher is preferred.
    • If applicable, one must have at least 3 years of sobriety. 
    • 100% good endorsement from two letters of recommendation, at the time of SUDC application.


  • A current resume that includes educational experience and three (3) most recent employment experiences.
  • A 2-3-page personal statement. In addition to any relevant information, the statement must include: 1) Brief autobiographical information, including any experiences that influenced your interest in the field. 2) Skills you would bring to this program/field. 3) A personal philosophy regarding substance use disorder treatment, listing skills a substance use disorder counselor should possess.
  • Contact information for two (2) professional references. References will be contacted for a letter of recommendation. It’s recommended that applicants inform their references before applying.
  • Payment of a $40 application fee is required.



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