November Newsletter

November Newsletter

Provost Vaught's Thoughts 

Dear Faculty,


The upcoming holiday is an opportunity to take a well-deserved break and allow us to pause, spend quality time with loved ones, and return refreshed to finish out the semester strong. We encourage you to embrace this break and take care of yourself and your family and friends.


Meanwhile, as we enter finals season, we’re reminded of the hard work and dedication students put into their studies. Alongside academic support, remember to check on your students' overall well-being. The pressures of finals can sometimes be overwhelming, and a kind word or other support can make a difference in their experience.


Please remember that the Office of Academic Affairs is here to support you in any way we can. Don’t hesitate to reach out.  Together, we can make this season a rewarding and successful one for both you and our students. Your commitment to their growth, both academically and personally, is greatly appreciated.


Warm regards,

Provost Vaught.

New Lucidchart and Lucidspark Access

UVU has partnered with Lucid to provide Lucidchart and Lucidspark to all students, faculty, and staff. 

Here's why it's a game-changer:

  • Time-Saving, Real-World Ready: Lucid offers hundreds of customizable templates used across industries. 

  • User-friendly: Lucid’s intuitive platform means no tech expertise is required. Professors can simply direct students to without needing to be a product expert themselves. 

  • Solves group work challenges: Students can work together from anywhere, on any device, at any time. 

  • Industry Relevance: Lucid tools are used by 99% of Fortune 500 companies, giving students hands-on experience with tools they’ll use in their future careers.


Access Lucid here: 

You and your students already have premium access to Lucidchart and Lucidspark!

Use your [email protected] email address to sign in to your Lucid account:


This partnership equips our students with valuable skills for their academic and professional journeys. Explore Lucid and elevate your teaching and students' learning experiences!


See how professors are using Lucid Here. 




Important Dates 

November 15

Application request for Fall Semester is sent to Department Chair. 

Deans, in consultation with department chairs, shall establish department ICHE goals.

November 20-25

Thanksgiving break.

November 30

Deadline for annual review meetings with all faculty.

Graduation application deadlines. 

December 1

Dean submits tenure review portfolio, which includes all recommendations and the faculty response, if any, to the Provost.

December 8

Classes end.

December 11-15

Final Exams.

December 13

Application request for Fall Semester is sent to the Dean. 

December 15

Deadline for second-level supervisor must read annual reviews and providecomments.

Candidates submit the Request for Rank Advancement Form and the combined rank advancement file to the department RTP committee chair. 

Application request for Fall Semester is sent to the VPAA. 

December 16

Semester Ends.

December 20

Final grades due.

Message from the Dean of Students 

We share this with you in hopes that you will better help our students improve their well-being and mental health as they navigate through their college experience.


UVU Thrive: Covering Basic Needs

The end of the semester is closer than you think, along with winter break and the holiday season. This time of year can be challenging for some students, whether they are facing increased financial stress due to upcoming tuition payments or struggling to afford increased expenses for the holidays. UVU faculty and staff members can support students by connecting them to basic needs resources so students can focus on their academic success. 
The CARE Hub increases access to basic needs like food, housing, health, and safety. If your students need help meeting their needs, you can direct them to our website or our new food pantry and office space in SL 101. For a complete list of well-being resources visit or access through the UVU student app by tapping the Wellness icon at the bottom.  
November Student Snapshot 
The end of the semester can feel like a perfect storm of academic pressure, financial obligations, and physical exhaustion. Students may feel more stressed than usual as they complete semester-long projects and begin preparing for finals week. However, students may not be juggling more than just school this month—they may be unable to dedicate time to studying due to other obligations or feeling sick or exhausted as the weather changes. 
Here are just a few ways you can support students this month. 
Increased Academic Stress 
During this short time between midterms and final exams, students may be questioning their intellectual capacity and their ability to succeed in college. Course material is becoming more difficult, and final projects can be overwhelming. Students have academic resources, advising and mentoring, and coaching support available to give them the push needed to finish out the semester strong. 
Feeling Under the Weather 
Academic stress can cause some students to feel physically exhausted in response to the pressure they’re facing. When combined with an uptick in sickness due to the seasons changing, physical health can be a real challenge. Fortunately, students can access affordable healthcare and resources at UVU. 

Upcoming Events

November 15

Darryl Jones Documentary screening. 

GeoSpatial Society - Lecture Series.

Returning Student Seminar. 

Degrees to Anywhere Lecture Series 

DX Data Summit

November 27

SWSA - - Mental Health Conference 

November 29

Geospatial Society - Lecture Series.

November 30

Impact Speaker Series. 

December 6

75th anniversary of the Universal Decalration of Human Rights event in the Grande Ballroom

Introducing the Faculty Ombuds

After much discussion, UVU Academic Affairs is launching a Faculty Ombuds Program. The Faculty Ombuds Program aims to provide faculty with independent, confidential, impartial, and informal services to manage and/or resolve faculty-related issues, including early and informal conflict resolution at the lowest levels possible without the need to pursue formal grievance processes. We are looking for someone to fill the role of Faculty Ombuds for the program pilot with services beginning next semester. Please see the position description below:


Academic Affairs is launching an Ombuds Program and needs someone to fill the position of Faculty
Ombuds. The Faculty Ombuds is an Academic Affairs appointment that comes with a stipend. This is a
pilot program and position and will be evaluated around May 2025. The initial appointment will begin next semester.

The Faculty Ombuds Program aims to provide faculty with independent, confidential, impartial, and
informal services to manage and/or resolve faculty-related issues, including early and informal conflict
resolution at the lowest levels possible without the need to pursue formal grievance processes. During
consultations, the ombuds will listen and serve as a strategic thought partner. They will help the visitor
explore or develop options to resolve conflict or to surface an issue, provide resources and information
about the University’s policies and systems, and otherwise assist with informal conflict resolution and problem-solving.


· Must be a full-time tenured associate or full professor in good standing

· Must be familiar with the International Ombuds Association’s Code of Ethics and Standards of
Practice (found at
(Academic Affairs will support training)
· Must have a working knowledge of university rules and policies, resources, and administrative
· Must be familiar with sound principles of visitor consultation and advisement, and individual
and organizational conflict resolution

· Must have solid interpersonal, written, and verbal communication skills, including active
· Must have analytical, time management, and problem-solving skills

· Must have the ability to convey empathy and approachability, remain neutral, maintain
confidentiality, and act with sensitivity in highly charged situations
· Must have the ability to clarify issues and develop creative solutions in complex situations

· Relevant training in dispute resolution, mediation, or negotiation is preferred
· Experience working with people of diverse backgrounds and cultures is also desired

How to Apply
Interested candidates will provide an application letter expressing interest and addressing qualifications
as related to the functions of the position. Faculty Ombuds candidates must get prior written approval of
service from their supervisor and dean before submitting their application letter. Letters should be sent
to the Faculty Senate President at [email protected] on or before December 1, 2023.


OTL pluralsight in Higher Ed.



Enhancing Classroom Learning with Pluralsight

As you have likely heard, UVU is currently offering access to Pluralsight FREE for all faculty, staff, and students. University faculty can harness the power of Pluralsight to enrich themselves and their classroom experiences and prepare students for the challenges of the digital age.

Pluralsight is an online on-demand platform that is aligned to industry and provides high-quality, expert-led courses on various topics, including programming, data science, cybersecurity, career readiness, and more. With an extensive library of content, faculty members can find resources suitable for diverse academic disciplines.

Academic Affairs and Pluralsight are meeting with schools and colleges during the month of November to explore ways in which Pluralsight tools can be utilized as a resource for faculty in particular fields.


Here are some suggestions of how you might integrate Pluralsight in the classroom:


Supplementing Traditional Lectures

Faculty can use Pluralsight courses to enhance their own skills and to supplement their lectures, allowing students to explore topics in greater depth. You can assign relevant Pluralsight modules as supplementary materials, encouraging students to delve deeper into specific subjects at their own pace.


Flipped Classroom Approach

Embrace the flipped classroom model by assigning Pluralsight modules for students to study before class. This approach enables in-depth discussions and collaborative problem-solving during class sessions, maximizing the value of face-to-face interactions.


Assigning Real-World Projects

Pluralsight offers practical, hands-on projects that students can complete to apply their knowledge. Faculty can assign these projects as part of coursework, allowing students to gain valuable skills and experience that are directly applicable in the real world.


Encouraging Self-Paced Learning

Pluralsight's self-paced nature allows students to learn at their own convenience. Faculty can recommend specific courses aligned with the curriculum and encourage students to explore topics beyond the syllabus, fostering a culture of continuous learning.


Skill "IQ" (Iris Quotient) Assessments

Utilize Pluralsight's "Skill IQ" assessments to identify areas where students may need additional support and tailor classroom activities accordingly.

You can access your free UVU Pluralsight license through Single Sign-On (SSO) at this link, and you can find answers to common faculty questions here.

Distinguished Service-Learning Faculty:


We are pleased to announce Zan Cammack as the November Service-Learning Superstar!

Fall Service Learning Superstar


Zan Cammack is a lecturer in the English and Literature Department where she teaches first-year composition and British and Irish literature. Her works include her monograph, Ireland’s Gramophones: Material Culture, Memory, and Trauma in Irish Modernism (Clemson UP 2021). She is currently completing her project "Seeing Wilde Songs" which examines American composer Charles T. Griffes’ musical settings of Oscar Wilde’s poetry. She co-hosts "The Thing About Austen," a podcast about the material culture of Jane Austen’s novels.


Zan says this about her service-learning efforts:


Service-learning has long been an integral part of my pedagogy. My goal with any service-learning course is to bridge the gap between academia and the community by emphasizing the foundational role the humanities play in effecting social change.


Before coming to UVU, I incorporated community-based project courses from technical writing to literature and film studies. At UVU, I have taught multiple sections of the Writing for Social Change as a service-learning course. Students work in small groups with a range of student-selected community partners who address issues of inclusivity and equity. In past years, students have partnered with organizations like My Story Matters, where they created scrapbook templates for Navajo students in Monument Valley Elementary School to support the sharing of their personal narratives. We've also joined forces with Encircle LGBTQ+ Family & Youth Resource Center, the ACLU of Utah, and UVU's Women’s Success Center. This fall, student projects include working with UVU’s Sustainability Outreach Program to create media content to promote events and make visible work sustainability practices in place on campus, collaborating with LQBTQ+ Student Services to draft content for next semester’s MLK Commemoration Week, and supporting the Office for Global Engagement’s upcoming celebration of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


Next semester, I am excited to teach Literary History I, a class that will bring the oral traditions of Irish literature to local libraries and Title 1 elementary schools through interactive storytelling. Through this public humanities project, I aim for students to gain insights into the role humanities play in child development, the importance of democratizing access to the arts, and our ongoing need for community-based narratives.


Please join us in congratulating Zan for her incredible service-learning efforts!


Dr. Jonathan Westover

Academic Director, Center for Social Impact

Dr. Ezgi Sertler

Associate Academic Director, Center for Social Impact


Help us highlight you and your students! Share your story using the CSI Success Stories form.


We welcome nominations for future Service-Learning Superstars on a rolling basis, and self-nominations are encouraged. To nominate, please send an email to Dr. Jon Westover ([email protected]) and Dr. Ezgi Sertler ([email protected]) with a 250-word description of the nominee, department affiliation, and service-learning course activities.

From the Office for Global Engagement


The Office for Global Engagement has an exciting month ahead!

We have two events taking place on November 14—a French Global Spotlight, as well as an International Faculty & Staff Networking Social. This Global Spotlight features Anne Lair, the Hon. Consul of France in Utah. She will be speaking on France’s role in supporting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The event will take place at 10 am in CB101c. Later that day, the networking social will be at 1 pm in LA210 and is a great opportunity to socialize and get to know other international staff and faculty and share some refreshments.  

The following day, November 15, Dr. Sari Tojkander, counselor for science and higher education and Consulate General of Finland in Los Angeles, will be speaking on Finland and higher education at 4 pm in ME 101c 

Next month, we are excited to host a celebration for the 75th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights! On December 6, in the Grand Ballroom, we will be having an event featuring Cultural Envoy, student work representing the Declaration on Human Rights, and some of the history behind the declaration. The event is free and open to the public.  

Navigate Research & Publishing with Confidence

Have you reached a publishing dead end? Fulton Library can remove the roadblocks.

We know research and publishing plays a crucial role in being a member of UVU’s faculty, so our comprehensive Faculty Research & Publishing Guide details the resources available to help you research, submit, and publish
with confidence. This guide provides tools to:

• Monitor research in your discipline
• Locate journals for publication
• Manage citations
• Avoid predatory journals
• Protect your copyrights

If you run into a roadblock, your subject librarian can clear the way. Whatever the topic, our subject librarians are ready to steer you through subject-specific research, offering personalized help for your original research and publishing. From developing research topics and planning search strategies to locating sources and using databases, subject librarians can answer your questions at any stage of research or publication.

Fulton Library is here to help. Talk to a librarian at the first-floor Research Help Desk (no appointment needed) or contact a librarian by phone (801-863-8840), text (801-290-8123), chat, or email.

Policy News

Policy Update:

President’s Council approved the following policies to enter Stage 1 on October 12, 2023, and October 26, 2023, respectively:

· Policy 637 Faculty Tenure, and

· Policy 151 Pregnancy Accommodations.

Remember to get your comments to your Faculty Senate senator or PACE representative for Policies that are now in Stage 2. The review for these three policies closes on December 7, 2023:

· Policy 376 Reduction in Force,

· Policy 632 Assignment and Advancement in Academic Rank, and

· Policy 649 Faculty Remediation, Sanction, and Dismissal due to Cause.

And the review for these three policies closes on January 12, 2024:

· Policy 136 Intellectual Property,

· Policy 445 Institutional Data, and

· Policy 450 Processing and Control of Distributed Administrative Data.

President’s Council also approved Policy 211 Employee Appreciation and Recognition to enter Stage 4 on October 26, 2023. This means that Policy 211, once approved by the Board of Trustees, will be deleted from the Policy Manual.

Policy Highlight Title: Policy 635 Faculty Rights and Professional Responsibilities

In a recent newsletter, we highlighted faculty rights found in Policy 635 Faculty Rights and Professional Responsibilities. This month, we again look to Policy 635; this time to highlight faculty professional responsibilities. For instance, while faculty members should be “free from university censorship, reprisal, or discipline” when speaking or writing as citizens rather than employees, “their special position in the community requires special obligations.” Faculty members as scholars and educational officers “should remember that the public may judge their profession and their university by their utterances.” Thus, “at all times they should strive for accuracy, [] exercise appropriate restraint, [] show respect for the opinions of others, and [] make every effort to indicate that they are not speaking for the University (See AAUP 1940).” (4.2.2)

Additionally, while interacting with other University community members, faculty members have a responsibility to “conduct themselves with reasonable standards of professionalism” (4.4.1) and civility. (4.4.4) The policy gives several examples of inappropriate behavior such as “requiring the performance of inappropriate personal services; assigning tasks for punishment rather than for educational or job-related reasons; intention disruption of teaching, research, service, or administrative activities; and neglect of necessary communications with students and other employees.”

The policy also gives examples of professionalism and civility behavior including but “not limited to responding promptly to emails and other requests for action from supervisors, faculty peers, staff, and students; facilitating the success of committees in their intended goals through collaboration, constructive discussion, and action; [and] accepting reasonable requests for collaboration pertaining to the faculty’s area of study, pedagogical and scholarly goals, or goals of the department and school[.]” Professional and civil behavior also includes “addressing disagreements openly, professionally, and respectfully, which can include appropriate mediation, prompt attention to complaints, and good faith efforts to resolve issues; and/or avoiding intentional disruption of teaching, scholarly/creative work, or administrative meetings or activities.” (4.4.4)

Confidentiality is another area in which faculty members have a responsibility for appropriate behavior. “Faculty members may not access, use, or disclose private or confidential information unless permitted by applicable law or university policy.” They must “store and dispose of records containing private or

confidential information, including those stored electronically, in accordance with law and university policy.” (4.4.7)

Finally, faculty members are responsible for completing “training required by President’s Council, their department chair, their dean, or the Provost by the stated deadlines.” (4.4.8) Similarly, faculty members are responsible “to comply with instructions, whether [written, verbal, or electronic], from their [department] chair, dean, provost[,] or president respecting the timely performance of their essential duties” that are consistent with law and UVU policy, including the rights also mentioned in this policy.