Welcome to the UVU HR Management Program’s Consulting Lab!

We need more text about the intent of the program, what it means to students and the university. Maybe something about how traditional universities aren’t good at providing real-world, applicable learning opportunities.

Let’s put an ENGAGED LEARNING paragraph here. Hands-on, real experience that prepares students in all classes for their future HR roles.


Eveniet dolorum ante tempora! Pariatur tempor, quae magnis anim phasellus elementum fugiat, massa proin nascetur.

Gain Experience

Adipisci parturient officia cubilia vero? Ultricies do ut, dolorum earum lectus, quia, mollis fugit! Adipisci.


Euismod risus voluptates esse dis numquam nulla ligula qui hic corrupti arcu, architecto potenti, recusandae.