Dustin Harding


WSB Marketing Faculty Member

Dustin Harding is a dad, podcaster, market researcher, professor at UVU, and part of the Woodbury School of Business.

Harding loves how Utah Valley University (UVU) helps provide another chance for non-traditional students like himself. Performing horribly in high school Harding did not graduate with his class. After such an experience, Harding was sure school must not be for him. However, UVU provided Harding with another chance. 

Before coming to UVU, Harding gained a drive to make a difference through his research. This initial drive is what brought him to UVU. Harding only wanted to stay until his research had matured enough for him to move on to new phases in his career path. Hardings research excelled quickly but at that point he cared less about getting published and more about truly making a difference. Through UVU, Harding has been encouraged and had the opportunity to be head of research at the Shaduf and SMARTLab. 

Initially, Harding believed UVU was a quick stop on his way to success, however, UVU became an accelerating force for Harding to spread academic research knowledge. Harding is now working on bridging the gap between practice and academia in fun, creative, and non-traditional ways such as social media. 

UVU helped Harding gain the confidence he needed to excel in his research and continue his education. “Due to these experiences, I feel I owe a similar opportunity to my students,” says Harding. 

Harding lived in France during his PhD., he enjoys Nico’s pizza, he believes textbooks sometimes get in the way of education, and he enjoys physical fitness. Harding has a strong belief that students of UVU can accomplish anything they put their minds to because, if he can do it, anyone can. Harding is Woodbury.

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Victoria Deshler

 PR Coordinator and PRSSA President at Utah Valley University

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