It’s a breeze to list the cons of being a student entrepreneur. Not having enough time and having trouble prioritizing school and work are just a couple of the reasons why starting a business as a student is rough. Once you add in family, friends, and hobbies, the entrepreneur life seems impossible. Matt Perry, co-founder of Lobo Gear and a senior in the accounting program at UVU, admits these factors do make it difficult, but many students overlook the pros of launching a business while still attending school.
Matt Perry, Brock Henson (UVU alumnus), and Taylor Means all met while working in the finance department at a solar company. One day they began chatting about camping, setting up tents in the dark, and struggling with the lighting options that currently exist. They asked themselves “why isn’t there just one lighting solution that lights up the whole campground and is hands off?” They realized they had each started businesses before (online retail, landscaping, and more), but struggled because they did it alone. They decided to work together on this new idea and it is definitely working well for them as a team.
Read the full story here.