An MBA in healthcare Leadership provides business skills and a deeper understanding of healthcare organizations and policies, enabling informed decision-making for better patient outcomes. Students will learn to navigate complex systems, analyze policies and regulations, and develop strategic plans in the following areas:
Healthcare Systems, Finance, & Operations
Learn about the solutions that span care settings to meet the needs of organizations and health institutions.
Healthcare Policy & Law
Gain valuable insight into the decisions, goals, and actions that shape how healthcare is accessed and administered.
Healthcare Strategy
Develop management strategies and processes that improve health outcomes, care coordination, and financial models.
An MBA with a healthcare leadership concentration can offer several advantages over a Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA). For one, it provides a broad business education foundation that equips graduates with a versatile skillset applicable across a range of industries, not just healthcare. This opens up the potential for lateral career shifts and diversification. In contrast, an MHA tends to focus more narrowly on healthcare-specific knowledge and practices. Furthermore, the MBA curriculum often emphasizes strategic thinking, financial acumen, and leadership skills, tools that are critical for tackling complex business issues within the healthcare industry. This generalist approach can be particularly advantageous for those seeking executive or upper-level management roles, where a broader understanding of business concepts is often crucial. While an MHA provides depth in healthcare administration, an MBA with a healthcare concentration can provide both breadth in business principles and depth in healthcare knowledge.
Full-Time MBA
Professional MBA
Online Engaged MBA
Based on when you wish to attend, submit your online application by one of the deadlines listed below. Please note, applications cannot be submitted after the final deadline date. It is always best to apply early.
Application Opens: August 1st
International Deadline: May 1st
Application Opens: April 1st
Priority Deadline: October 1st
Final Deadline: November 15th