About Greg
Greg Miller is an American businessman, philanthropist and adventurer. His career
has encompassed leadership responsibilities in such diverse areas as real estate,
auto dealerships and professional sports. His efforts to strengthen communities have
impacted many, and his travels have yielded unprecedented feats.
Greg’s twin passions for off-road vehicles and the great outdoors are paired happily in Salt Lake City’s Land Cruiser Heritage Museum. The Museum displays more than 100 models of Toyota’s finest product and of which Greg is founder, chairman and curator. Greg co-conceived and led Expeditions 7, a 58,196-mile global expedition that marked the first instance of a single vehicle driving on all seven continents. More recently, he led the first successful traverse of the long axis of Greenland’s ice cap in motorized vehicles.
Long before Greg was crossing continents in Land Cruisers, he was sweeping the lot at his family’s Toyota store near Salt Lake City. In the decades that followed, Greg would assume increasing levels of responsibility within the growing family business and would eventually, in 2008, become CEO of the Larry H. Miller Group of Companies. In this role he was responsible for the overall strategy of a family owned business with thousands of employees and billions in revenue. Greg streamlined operations and increased productivity and profitability. He also championed expansion of the recalibrated enterprise, and Miller holdings spread from a footprint of a dozen western states to a national presence, with assets and revenues posting average annual growth rates in excess of 5%. Greg ensured that all entities operated according to principles of integrity, hard work, stewardship and service, with the ultimate purpose of enriching lives. By the end of Greg’s tenure in 2015, the Group was better structured, better capitalized, better honed and better prepared for future success.
Miller serves on the Board of Directors for Sutherland Institute, and was honored in 2018 with their New Birth of Freedom award. He serves on the Utah Office of Tourism Board of Directors and is a member of Solamere Capital’s Executive Partner Group. Greg and his wife, Heidi, support families and communities through the Sherry Black Foundation, which they established in memory of Heidi’s mother, and which facilitates training of law enforcement officers in the latest methods of investigating violent crimes. They reside in Salt Lake City, have six children and are grandparents to eight.