BitStream Communications

BitStream Communications

Some of the products offered by BitStream include “bandwidth, plus a variety of BitStream Smart Solution devices that utilize the bandwidth that can monitor indoor/outdoor air quality, air filtration, HVAC systems, green energy like PV solar panels or wind power, on-site power back up, plus much more”

BitStream Communications

BitStream Communications Inc – Charles Baldwin is the CEO and Founder of BitStream which is a dynamic ISP. It specializes in Smart City Solutions for Homes, Buildings, AgTech, government services, etc. The company’s main goal is to sell broadband connectivity. However, it goes one step further, by also teaching customers how to use that bandwidth to provide practical solutions that improves lives and generate quantifiable ROIs.

BitStream has partnerships via the Utopia Fiber footprint in Utah, which operates in approximately 19 cities in Utah, Idaho, and Montana. “Utopia Fiber is a conglomeration of municipal fiber deployments providing fiber to the home, fiber to the building pipes, that retail ISP’s can utilize” Baldwin said.

Some of the products offered by BitStream include “bandwidth, plus a variety of BitStream Smart Solution devices that utilize the bandwidth that can monitor indoor/outdoor air quality, air filtration, HVAC systems, green energy like PV solar panels or wind power, on-site power back up, plus much more” Baldwin said.

BitStream prides itself on being a technology solutions provider as well as a broadband ISP.

One of the main goals of BitStream through its association with UVU’s Business Resource center, “is to help students participate and get practical work experience especially in project-based learning opportunities as well as Smart City research in conjunction with UVU’s Smart Cities and Fabrication Labs.

“BitStream is seeking student and faculty participation for real world evaluations of various Smart City technologies. Think of it as a dynamic IoT which helps build a better world. Imagine a home or office building that can communicate its needs to the owners and property managers in real-time.”

“There are countless benefits offered by the technologies BitStream will bring to market,” Baldwin said.