Veterans Club

PRESIDENT: Jeffrey Barbosa

President: Jeffrey Barbosa

Jeffrey Barbosa is pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science with an emphasis in Political Philosophy and Public Law along with a minor in Peace and Justice Studies. Jeff is the President and founder of the Veterans Club on campus and works with the Veterans Administration as a work study at the Vet Center office. Before starting his college education Jeff served in the Army as a Combat Medic for five years with 4/10 Cavalry, deploying twice to Iraq for a total of 27 months in country.

VICE-PRESIDENT: Jonathan J. Lord

Vice-President: Jonathan J. Lord

Jonathan J. Lord is from Great Falls, Montana and is currently working towards a bachelors degree in political science emphasizing in American Government. He is also pursuing a minor in History. Jonathan is a United States Marine who served a combat tour in Afghanistan in 2009-2010. He also deployed on the USS Bataan with the 22nd MEU which afforded him the opportunity to see many different countries in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Jonathan currently works at the Provo Vet Center as a work study.