Strengthening Partnerships Between Rotarians and Rotaractors from Utah and the Kyrgyz Republic

On Tuesday, February 6th, 2024 Rotarians and Rotaractors from Utah and the Kyrgyz Republic gathered together on a Zoom call to further established partnership


Rotarians and Rotaractors from Utah and the Kyrgyz Republic during zoom call


Stephan Atkinson, Utah International Mountain Forum President during the meeting

 Day or night, the work never stops! On Tuesday, February 6th, 2024 Rotarians and Rotaractors from Utah and the Kyrgyz Republic gathered together on a Zoom call to further relations in preparations for a joint effort to advocate for mountain communities at the 68th session of the Commission on the Status of Women in New York this spring.

An early morning for Utah International Mountain Forum (UIMF) leaders, Stephan Atkinson (President) and I, (Vice President) represented also Utah Valley University Rotaract. Rotaract is a student club of the Rotary International, a globally renowned non-governmental organization.  We were able to connect with members of the Orem Lindon Rotary Club and members of the  Rotary Club and Rotaract Nomad Club of Bishkek. To begin our preparations for our trip to New York, we were able to introduce ourselves to other team members. Establishing personal connections and building a great work relationship is necessary for us students at UVU as part of the Student Engaged Learning model. Stephan and I as leaders of the UIMF club are tasked with laying the foundation of this partnership between UVU Rotaractors and Rotarians around the world. This meeting was important for us to build better ties to create a team and work together at the UN.  


Dastan Abikov, President-Emeritus of the Bishkek Nomad Rotaract Club during the zoom call

 The Orem Lindon Rotary Club has been a long supporter of UVU and clubs such as the UVU Rotaract Club and the Utah International Mountain Forum Coalition. In the collaboration and participation in communities through the Orem Lindon Rotary Club service projects, such as Coats for Kids, selling oranges from California to raise funds, UVU Rotaractors would be able to gain the skills of networking, problem solving, having compassion and gaining resources.

As our old friends, we welcomed Leaders of the Bishkek Nomad Rotaract from the Kyrgyz Republic Dastan Abikov, Aidana Nurlanova, and Ali Iusupkhanov. We were able to co-host World Polio Day in October last year and observe the International Mountain Day at UVU in a virtual mode. During our Zoom meeting, we had with us the President of the Orem-Lindon Rotary Club Keith Morgan, and the President-elect of the Orem-Lindon Rotary Club Mike Rich.  They were able to get acquainted and discuss possible partnership opportunities with Rotarian from the Kyrgyz Republic Aijan Chynybaeva.


Rotarian from the Kyrgyz Republic Aijan Chynybaeva during zoom call

The icebreaker to warm relations of all the members who will take part in this incredible honor of addressing the United Nations, on behalf of Women and girls in mountainous communities, was a great way to drive the long hours and hard work to come! Where I come from the phrase “It takes a village” is very popular, I find it very fitting for this journey.


Janessa Purcell, UIMF Vice-President during the meeting

 We, as UVU students, will not be able to navigate these efforts alone. With the support of the Orem Lindon Rotary Club, Bishkek Rotary Club, and the Rotaract Nomad Club of Bishkek, our efforts are multiplied and our capabilities expanded!  I am sure that our joint efforts to promote mountain women and girls at the UN next month will be successful.

             Janessa Purcell, UIMF Vice-President


Utah Rotary Newsletter About Partnership




24-02-16-Bishkek Rotaract-Strengthening Collaborative Efforts Between Rotarians and Rotaractors
