Nikki Kelly speaks before Orem-Lindon Rotarians about her trip results to Switzerland
Nikki Kelly, a prospective graduate from Utah Valley University (UVU), delivered a presentation before the Orem-Lindon Rotary club members on November 9th, 2023. She highlighted her research conducted at the University of Geneva in Switzerland. Specializing in Autism Studies and Refugee Education, her investigation focused on evaluating programs aimed at assisting students confronting diverse challenges.
Kelly discovered that art and music programs proved to be effective tools for refugee students, particularly teenagers, in the process of adapting to new environments. Her aspiration is to contribute valuable data that can inform and shape future developments in the field. Reflecting on her semester abroad, she emphasized its transformative impact, fostering global connections and establishing lifelong friendships.
Group photo of Nikki Kelly with Orem-Lindon Rotarians
The financial support from Orem-Lindon Rotarians and the generous donation of flight miles by Clark and Sheryl Merkley played instrumental roles in making Nikki's journey possible. Expressing profound gratitude, she is dedicated to a life of service and education, actively advocating for enduring change rooted in principles of equity and prosperity for all.
Stephan Atkinson - Utah International Mountain Forum Club President
Utah District Rotary newsletter about Nikki Kelly