Foreign Affairs Club Contribution to the Visit of the Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to the US and Canada, H.E. Baktybek Amanbaev to Utah Valley University

During the February 15, 2023, UIMF contributed to the visit of the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the United States and Canada, H.E. Baktybek A. Amanbaev by hosting several activities in addition to the official agenda.

signed poster

On February 14-16, 2023, The Utah International Mountain Forum, under the leadership of the Utah Valley University (UVU) Foreign Affairs Club, co-hosted with UVU Office for Global Engagement. His Excellency Baktybek Amanbaev, the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the United States and Canada, His wife, Mrs. Almazkan Akmatova, and First secretary Ermek Sydykov. Preparations began in September 2022 through UIMF mentor Baktybek Abdrisaev. It was hosted through the Student-engaged Learning Model which encourages students, both traditional and non-traditional, to work inclusively as a group to solve real-issues with faculty serving as a model. Originally, the Ambassador’s visit was planned for November 2022, however, due to unforeseen circumstances and conflicting events, the visit was rescheduled for February 14-16, 2023.

In November, the leaders of the UVU Foreign clubs, co-presidents Rachel Welker and Stephan Atkinson, prepared a powerpoint to present a grant request for the UVU Clubs office. The UVU Clubs office offers a limited amount of grants each month for clubs who are preparing an activity which involves a large number of UVU students. The UVU Foreign Affairs club proposed a student-run reception in honor of Ambassador Amanbaev. They were awarded $2500 towards food, decorations and preparations.

This marked the beginning of weekly meetings with the UIMF leadership team to prepare a task list, budget, memo, and research on protocol. In January, with the start of the semester, the task list was distributed to Foreign Affair club members and the POLS3410- Globalization and Sustainable Development class.  Catering was ordered through UVU in January 2023. It took some time to figure out a balance of responsibilities between UVU Office of Global Engagement and UVU Foreign Affairs club, but through communication and weekly meetings, planning began to smooth out.


UIMF leaders greet Ambassador Amanbaev at UVU

Before the event, Rachel Welker, as leader, coordinated the efforts of both UIMF leaders and club members, often working late evenings to ensure everything was planned to the minute. Stephan Atkinson, whose senior project is dedicated to development in the Kyrgyz Republic, worked with UVU to plan the catering and research. A memo was drafted containing every event UIMF and UVU has partnered with the Kyrgyz Republic.  A week before the event, three rehearsals, one virtual and two in person, were held to coordinate the members movements and ensure everyone was informed of each activity.


UIMF members meeting with Ambassador Amanbaev on February 14, 2023

The trip began with the Ambassador meeting with UIMF leaders on Tuesday, February 14, who presented to VIP-guest a folder containing the trip agenda, the written aforementioned memo, and official UN documents highlighting the partnership between UVU and the Kyrgyz Republic. Alitha Thompson and McKay Brooks helped make the Ambassador comfortable by providing them their favorite coffee. Ambassador Amanbaev offered to answer any questions related to his job, culture, and government structure of the Kyrgyz Republic. It was a great evening for UIMF officers who were able to learn about important policies, ideology and beliefs in the Kyrgyz Republic.


UIMF members during UVU tour with Ambassador Amanbaev 

In February, the day began early with his Excellency meeting UVU officials at 10 am after he met with the Global Engagement Office on the day’s agenda. At 10:30, He, with his wife, First Secretary, Foreign Affair club’s co-presidents, Dr. Lago-head of the Global Engagement and Amy Barnett - Program Director of the Global Engagement office toured UVU including the Hall of Flags.  

Lunch was served at Noon February 15, 2023 and was arranged by the UVU Office for Global Engagement led by Dr. Baldomero Lago. As per established tradition, it was attended by the Orem--Lindon Rotarians, who represented local community leaders and businesses and UIMF members, including UVU Rotaractors. Orem-Lindon Rotarians and UVU Rotaractors were able to engage with his Excellency on important developments in Sustainable Mountain Development and information technologies within Kyrgyzstan as the central hub of Central Asia, along with the empowerment Rotary and Rotaract clubs can provide communities.  


Lunch in honor of Ambassador Amanbaev at UVU 

At 2:00pm, Ambassador Amanbaev met through Zoom with Congressman Joseph Pitts (R-PA). This was a session not only to introduce Ambassador Amanbaev Utah-Kyrgyz Republic activities but also an important role, which was played and continues to be played by former Congressman Joe Pitts (R-PA) and his close associates through a National Prayer Breakfast (NPB). All delegations of the members of the Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic came to Utah after taking part at NPB. Congressman Joe Putts has contributed greatly to the economic and political reforms in the Kyrgyz Republic. He was the only member of the U.S. Congress who expressed support to the people of the Kyrgyz Republic during a tragic civil strife in the country in July 2010.


UIMF members during a zoom meeting between Ambassador Amanbaev and former Congressman Joe Pitts (R-PA) 

That meeting was followed by a break for the Ambassador Amanbaev whom Alitha Thompson, remembering their order the night before, provided with coffee to relax between meetings. That meeting was followed by one with Dr. Lynn England, Dr. Geoffrey Cockerham and Dr. Baktybek Abdrisaev, UVU History and Political Science faculty to discuss joint partnership between UVU Peace and Justice program and Osh Technological University. In addition, Tyler Janes, UVU Alumni discussed with the Kyrgyz Ambassador a partnership in the area of Artificial Intelligence and ethical principles of its regulation.  During this meeting, UVU Rotaract President, Tristin Juárez-Smith, and UVU Rotaract Vice President, McKay Brooks, also discussed with Ambassador Amanbaev future partnerships between UVU Rotaract, Orem-Lindon Rotary, Bishkek Rotary, and developing Osh Rotary to help support and empower Rotary clubs in Kyrgyzstan, along with creating Rotaract clubs among Universities in Kyrgyzstan.  Ethan Sproat, UVU’s Grants and Sponsors Program Director of Proposal Development, discussed with  Ambassador Amanbaev how UVU and universities in Kyrgyzstan could get grant funding from the US State Department for these projects and partnerships.  


Ambassador Amanbaev during meeting with UVU faculty

After the meetings, Ambassador Amanbaev visited a Hall of Fame of the UIMF and signed a poster with special wishes to the members of the coalition of clubs in their advocacy efforts of sustainable development for mountain communities. 


Ambassador Amanbaev signs a poster for a Hall of Fame of UIMF

At 4:00 PM, UIMF and Foreign Affairs members and leaders prepared the UVU Lakeview room at the UVU Library for the reception. Earlier that week, leaders had to adjust the reception to fit in with previously unknown library guidelines. It was a great lesson for leaders on how to double check guidelines from multiple sources. Leaders were able to adapt and prepare check in tables, photo backdrops, and gifts for the ambassador and guests. UVU Catering service set up the food in a buffet style and provided tables, tablecloths and dining dishes. UVU faculty, students, local business men, community leaders, Rotary leaders both local and district, and Kyrgyz diaspora in Utah attended the reception.


UIMF Presidents with Ambassador Amanbaev 

5 UIMF past presidents attended and discussed future plans, with current leaders meeting and entertaining guests. The Ambassador Amanbaev met and talked with the guests and allowed photos to be taken in commemoration.  Before the program, a group photo was taken with all those who attended. The program included a welcome from UIMF current president, Alitha Thompson, Carlos Alarco - director for the Office of Global Engagement, and the Ambassador Amanbaev, introduced by McKay Brooks. Distinguished guest was gracious and talked about Kyrgyzstan’s place in the heart of Central Asia and how a bright future could be ensured through economic growth.


Ambassador Amanbaev speaks during reception

 The evening ended with UIMF gifting the Ambassador a pen - crafted by the UIMF president’s father who lives in a small mountain town in Utah, a puzzle of Salt Lake City made by a local artist, and a book specially printed by the UVU press in partnership with the Kyrgyz State University “Kutadgu Bilig the Wisdom of Royal Glory by Yusuf Khass Hajib. Written in 1069, Wisdom of Royal Glory is an ethical-didactic poem from the Karakhanid period. For the people in Central Asia, and in the Kyrgyz Republic in particular, it presents: “...a political treatise of advice for rulers much like Machiavelli’s Prince, which was dedicated to the governor of Florence. But unlike the Prince, Kutadgu Bilig is written in poetry and advises rulers and advisers to forsake vice for virtue.” (William and Mary Law School, 2008).

Tristin Juárez--Smith, president of the UVU Rotaract club,  concluded the program. He thanked guests and invited them to pick up a gift containing a calendar designed by UCCU for the UVU community, a stress ball ordered by HPOLS department for use during difficult situations, and a pin designed by Stephan Atkinson to represent flourishing bilateral relations between the Kyrgyz Republic and Utah.


Utah-Kyrgyzstan pin designed by Stephan Atkinson.

On February 16, 2023, the Ambassador met with local government and religious leaders in Utah, headed by the Office for Global Engagement. That evening, The Kyrgyz Republic delegation attended a reception hosted by the Keller Family in Orem Utah. It was attended by technological business leaders and government officials, along with UIMF President Alitha Thompson and Foreign Affair club co-president Stephan Atkinson and UIMF mentor Professor Abdrisaev. They helped the Keller with the event by ensuring guests had name tags, were provided food, and helped clean up at the end. During the event, the Keller family provided a musical showcase and ended the event with their traditional Family Goodbye song, sung acapella.


Kellers Family with Ambassador Amanbaev 

There were many lessons learned through the event to help UIMF leaders better prepare for events such as the upcoming UN trip for the 67th Commission on the Status of Women. The leadership held a debrief after on what went well, and what they could learn and improve within their student-engaged learning model.

          Stephan Atkinson, President, Foreign Affairs Club                                                                             Rachel Welker Vice President of the Foreign Affairs Club