UIMF Attends Women and the Environment Preparatory Event for CSW65

On February 18, 2021, the UIMF members participated in a monthly meeting by NGO CSW/NY titled, “Climate Crisis and Climate Action by and for Women”


A slide from the presentation by Mara Dolan

On February 18, 2021, the UIMF was able to participate in a monthly meeting by NGO CSW/NY titled, “Climate Crisis and Climate Action by and for Women” in preparation for our CSW65 parallel event that will be held on March 22, 2021. The current climate crisis affects each of us, although not equitably. Women and girls are hurt especially hard and share an unequal burden. As the global governments become more responsive and receptive to the inclusion of women voices, we will see more significant progress on a rapid scale. The climate movement has never been stronger and there is a great emphasis on youth involvement and indigenous peoples, which are extremely beneficial and important. There are real-world challenges that need to be overcome and advocacy is crucial.


Osprey Orielle Lake, Founder and Executive Director of the Women’s Earth and 

Climate Action Network International, speaks during the meeting.


A slide from the presentation

We were able to attend a presentation by Mara Dolan from the WEDO, a global women’s advocacy organization, on how women are greatly affected by climate change and gender inequality. The top goals of WEDO are: (1) Women are empowered to claim their rights as decision-makers, advocates and leaders, especially on issues related to environment and sustainable development. (2) Sustainable development policies, plans and practices are gender-responsive, environmentally and socially-just, and effectively implemented.


Screenshot of chat

I was also able to advocate for mountain women and girls and invite the conference to attend our parallel event while highlighting the UIMF. This event touches on the main theme of CSW65, Sustainable Development Goal #5, as well as the environmental and climate issues that affect mountain communities and women. The UIMF mission is dedicated to advocating “…the sustainability of the world’s mountain environments and livelihoods by implementing three mountain targets [6.6, 15.1, and 15.4 by] student engaged learning through advocacy, networking, knowledge sharing, and exchanges of best practices both locally and globally.”


Members of my breakout room interact

Towards the end of the meeting, we separated into breakout rooms with ten participants where we were able to share our contributions to the CSW agenda and network vital connections. My room consisted of advocates and representatives of NGO’s from the west to east coast of the continental United States and in between.

                    Dallas Karren, Vice-President, UIMF