2019 United Nations Secretary Generals’ Report on SMD Recognizes UIMF

UIMF members describe appreciation for a recognition of their advocacy of the mountain communities in the United Nations official document

In March of 2018 I was the president of the Utah International Mountain Forum (UIMF) which a coalition of student led clubs at Utah Valley University. (UVU) We had the opportunity to host both a side event and a parallel event at the 62nd session of the Commission on the Status of Women  (CSW62).

It is heart warming that nearly two years later our efforts were highlighted in the 2019 Secretary General’s report on Sustainable Mountain Development. (P10). This Achievement was the result of a team effort by many students both part of the UIMF and those that are part of other on-campus organizations. Our objective at the CSW62 was to promote mountain sustainability by presenting projects that students had worked on in the field of improving the status of Women. Most of these projects had taken place in Utah which is a mountainous State that has prospered due to efforts to create a sustainable way of life.

The UIMF strives to share ideas from mountainous communities that better the livelihood of Men, Women, children, and the population as a whole.

Matt Rands, UIMF President (2017-2018)


2019 UNSGs’ report on SMD


Excerpt from the 2019 UNSG report on SMD about UIMF




Dylan Genes-The great recognition of UN Secretary General of UIMF activities at CSW62


Derek Garfield-Our success starts with us
