Ambassador Harald Braun Lectures About Place of Germany in Global Affairs at UVU

On October 31, 2016, students at UVU had the privilege of attending a lecture by His Excellency Harald Braun, the Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations


On Monday, October 31, 2016 students at UVU had the privilege of attending a lecture by His Excellency Harald Braun, the Permanent Representative (PR)of Germany to the United Nations. Dr. Braun spoke on Germany’s role in the United Nations. Visit of such a high level dignitary continued tradition established at UVU during last several years to host PRs to the UN from many nations and engage students and faculty in many important initiatives at the United Nations.


Ambassador Harald Braun With UVU Students

Germany was a latecomer to the United Nations. It wasn’t until 1972 that both East and West Germany were recognized as countries and were provided seats in the General Assembly. However, after reunification Germany began to take on a larger role in the international arena.

Out of all the European nations Germany is the largest and is the largest exporter in the world. Germany has a stable democracy and the resources so they have a duty to be involved internationally. They are currently involved in 16 different peacekeeping operations that involve 1,000 German troops with 500 in Mali alone. However Germany recognizes that military forces are often not the most effective and also provide police and civilian contingents. In addition to providing manpower to the peacekeeping operations Germany also contributes 6% or about 500 million USD to the peacekeeping budget. In addition to these contributions Germany is very involved in United Nations international and social goals contributing about 12 billion Euros. German is also very involved in the human rights efforts of the UN being reelected in October of 2015 to the Human Rights Council.


Students and faculty gathered for Ambassador Harald Braun’s Lecture

Germany is also working on the 17 sustainable development goals that will help develop the world over the next 15 years. These sustainability goals aim to eliminate hunger, poverty, and reduce epidemics. Germany also participated in the Migration and Refugee Summit. At this summit Germany assisted the forming of plans to address problems with migration or the movement of people for economic and resource related reasons as well as refugees or individuals who leave a place due to non-economic and resource related reasons.


Many of these goals coincide with goals of UIMF for sustainability in the mountainous regions of the world. Migration or the movement of people due to resource or economic related concerns can be address particularly for the mountainous regions by creating ways for these communities to be able to sustain themselves in ways of basic needs.

The question that is now being asked is, Is Germany punching below its weight. Because Germany is such a large contributor in terms of financial investments as well as supplying man power there is a call for reform in the United Nations adding Germany as one of the permanent members of the Security Council. Currently Germany only has one vote in the general assembly while also serving on different councils. However, the Security Council is the only group within the United Nations that can put forth legally binding resolutions. The five permanent members also have what is known as the veto meaning if any one country belonging to the five permanent members votes against a resolution the resolution does not pass and become binding. At the time of its conception the veto helped to prevent a UN sanctioned war between the world powers. However, the idea is now outdated and used to support or deny political issues. Aside from the five permanent members there are also ten elected officials. These elected officials signify who is relevant and who is not at any given moment in the international community. Germany has already been a part of a deal that included the five permanent members and Germany, the Iran Deal. Germany would be much more able to influence the international community as a permanent member of the Security Council.

                 Tenika Ray, member of UIMF




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