Tony Medina, UIMF President, Reports From CSW60

Author reflects about pioneering experiences as UVU student at the 60th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women in New York, during the week of March 24, 2016 Edit Section 1 Header



After my incredible experiences at the CSW60 in New York, all things must come to an end. Time has flown by this past week, and there are still many interesting and important events that continue until the end of session on March 24, 2016. Although our delegation will be unable to attend them, the need to recognize the sponsors of our trip remains. The contacts and relations we made in our short time in New York will be invaluable to furthering the engagement of students at Utah Valley University with both the United Nations and UNWomen, and we hope our experiences prove worthwhile in allowing students to attend the entire CSW events in the future.


Days for Girls panelists with UVU Delegation During CSW60

Over the past week, the recurring theme that has emerged is the need for collaboration between all of the different agencies, NGOs, and non-profits that are working on the same agendas and on gender equality in particular. As we learned throughout our time at CSW60, there are so many different groups who are so close to us geographically speaking, yet we had no idea. We were impressed to meet so many different groups from around the globe and Utah and Arizona that we had made contact with. Yet, what has shown to be a bridge between distant locations is the use of the internet, social media in particular. The ease of access and quickness of response make it a perfect platform for primary information sharing between continents and organizations.


Tony Medina and Social Media advertisements at CSW60

Even though the CSW60 was about the “status of women” across the world, it is vitally important to the conversation that men are actively and passionately involved in the gender agenda. While I was excited to represent UVU, it was clear that men in general were distinctly underrepresented at the commission. This should be a priority goal of ours as well, to engage more men into the conversation and action at UVU, in Utah, and the world at large to do our part in education and advocacy of our mothers, sisters, and friends across the globe. It was also exciting that during CSW60 a new strategic initiative to engage youth in gender advocacy was launched. I am sure that UIMF will contribute to its activities and agenda as we are already working in these areas, and can provide ideas and guidance for other groups as well.

Throughout the days we were in attendance, we were able to meet and make contact with so many organizations and people. Although it was a very exhausting, Wendy Jyang, member of our delegation, proved to be a wonderful advisor who has tremendous experience and contacts in these areas. She was able to expertly navigate both the people and the city to introduce us to so many people who want nothing more than to help better the world. Her passion to the cause of helping the needy people and families is vitally important, and she also makes a big difference in so many people’s lives. In the coming weeks, the tremendous task of staying in contact with those we met and establishing contact with those we were referred to will keep us very busy. So many of the people we were introduced to were incredibly excited to hear of students in attendance at the CSW60, and several were very interested in ways we could collaborate. It seems that there are many ways and avenues for our organization to grow in the near and distant future.


UVU delegation with NGO founder from Somalia

Furthermore, we also found it very important to mention and thank Dr. David Connelly, Department Chair, History and Political Science Department; and Kimberly Williamson, Administrative Assistant, History and Political Science Department at UVU for their support, guidance, and planning-assistance in our endeavors. Our team is recognized now by so many groups and people at CSW60, due in part to our great handouts, brochures, and our “signature” green stress-balls. We always have such a great and unwavering support from our department, many of our activities would not be possible without their help.


(L to R): Tony Medina presents UVU stress-ball to Mrs. Sally Shatila Kader, President, United Federation for Peacekeeping and Sustainable Development With Dr. Baktybek Abdrisaev in Attendance.

The United Nations Headquarters is a very impressive sight to behold. During my time there, I was able to see many of the national gifts to the United Nations from different countries; some were very ornate and beautiful, others were simple yet contained powerful messages of peace and friendship. I was also able to see the displays of disarmament of nuclear and conventional weapons that are symbols of peace and democracy. The General Assembly renovated Hall was very impressive, and I was fortunate enough to have my picture taken at the podium where so many world leaders have spoken in years past. I will always look back on my experience and participation at the CSW60 with fond memories, and I look forward to attending future CSWs in the coming years.

                Tony Medina, President, Utah International Mountain Forum



Additional Information about Women of the Mountains




16-03-15-Tony Medina-The First Day of UVU Student’s Attendance at the 60th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women


16-03-16-Tony Medina-The Second Day of the UVU Student’s Attendance of the CSW60


16-03-19-Tony Medina The Third Day of the UVU Student’s Attendance at the CSW60