Video and Audio of the Presentation of Permanent Representative of Austria to the United Nations, Ambassador Martin Sajdik at UVU

Video and Audio of the Presentation of Ambassador Martin Sajdik at UVU on February 12, 2015


Ambassador Martin Sajdik, Permanent Representative of Austria to the United Nations spoke before the faculty and students at UVU on February 12, 2015 on the topic “A new global strategy for sustainability; the post 2015 development agenda of the United Nations – will it make a difference?” Please find enclosed below a video of his lecture.


During a meeting on February 12, 2015, Ambassador Sajdik engaged UIMF members on how they could work in conjunction with ECOSOC to facilitate sustainable mountain development in Utah, and how Utah can network with other mountain regions to communicate best practices. Please find enclosed below a link to the audio recording of the meeting



Part 1 of the Presentation            Part 2 of the Presentation



Audio Recording of Ambassador Sajdik Meeting with UIMF members
