Request of Input on the UNSG Report on Sustainable Mountain Development

Request from the Mountain Partnership to all its members to submit their Inputs for the 2015 United Nations Secretary Generals Report on Sustainable Mountain Development


Subject: UNSG report on sustainable mountain development


Dear Focal Points of the Mountain Partnership,

We are contacting you to solicit your input for the 2015 United Nations Secretary General Report on sustainable mountain development.

We are pleased to inform you that FAO and the Mountain Partnership Secretariat, in collaboration with governments, relevant agencies of the UN system and NGOs, are currently preparing the United Nations Secretary General (UNSG) Report on Sustainable Mountain Development to be presented under the sustainable development agenda item at the seventy-first session of the United Nations General Assembly as requested by the latest UNGA resolution (A/RES/68/217).

The document will describe the status and progress made in promoting sustainable mountain development at the national and international levels, since the previous UNSG report in 2013 (A/68/100).

Consistently with the paragraphs of the relevant UNGA resolution (A/RES/68/217), the 2015 report will highlight specific thematic areas of focus, provide an overall analysis of the challenges and include recommendations on how to achieve sustainable development in mountain regions more effectively.

We are contacting you to ensure that the forthcoming UNSG report provides an adequate overview of the results, impacts and changes achieved through action at national, regional and global level, in particular with reference to the statements of the resolution A/RES/68/217.

Hence, we kindly invite you to provide us with key information on the most important results in mountain development activities in your country or organization since July 2013.

For instance:
· Projects and programmes benefiting mountain environments and communities;
· Progress made in establishing or implementing national plans, strategies or policies related to mountains;
· Compensation mechanisms for environmental services and goods provided by mountain areas;
· In-country coordination and collaboration mechanisms for sustainable mountain development.

When drafting your contribution, please make reference to the attached outline for the next report as well as to the previous UNSG report.

Your input to the reporting process will reveal a significant opportunity to raise awareness on important mountain issues, will gain visibility at the international level, and will contribute to drafting an official document of the UN Secretariat.

However, due to a strict limit of the report’s overall length, your contribution should not exceed 200 words. The UNSG report will provide selected examples and highlights of action, therefore we cannot guarantee that all the submissions will be reproduced in full or included in the final report. Our best efforts will be made in order to take all contributions into account.

We kindly request you to submit your input by 13 April 2015 at the latest to [email protected].

Thank you in advance for your valuable collaboration.

Best regards,

The Mountain Partnership Secretariat

The Mountain Partnership is a voluntary alliance of partners dedicated to improving the lives of mountain people and protecting mountain environments around the world.