Members of Utah International Mountain Forum (UIMF), coalition of students clubs made a special presentation to the Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the United Nations, Ambassador Paul Seger during the visit of VIP-guest to Utah Valley University on March 25, 2013.
Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the United Nations, Ambassador Paul Seger during his lecture at Utah Valley University
UIMF organized for Swiss guest special exhibition of posters, as a part of the bigger one, prepared for the United Nations RIO+20 conference in Brazil last summer, which was attended by UVU delegation. They shared with dignitary experiences from UVU and UIMF in advocacy of the sustainable mountain development (SMD) – agenda including: hosting three international Women of the Mountains Conferences in 2007, 2011 and 2012; contributing to the Report on SMD for North America for the United Nations conference on sustainable development (RIO+20) in Brazil; celebrating International Mountain Days for the third time in the whole state of Utah during last December; organizing three essay contests among Utah high school students on different topics from the SMD-agenda; supporting creation in Aspen, CO of North American hub for the Mountain Partnership, coalition of institutions, which advocates SMD-activities globally, among others.
Jordan Giles, vice-president of UIMF ( L ) and Robert McMurray, UIMF member ( R )
presenting to the Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the United Nations, Ambassador
Paul Seger an exhibition of posters about UVU involvement in SMD-promotion
Since 2006, when UVU joined the Mountain Partnership, and until now UVU and UIMF funded all activities for SMD-advocacy from local or own funds and resources.
Photo of the plaque with thanks from UVU students for contribution by Switzerland to the SMD-agenda
Students UVU presenting to the Swiss Ambassador Paul Seger a plaque with thanks for contribution by the Switzerland to the SMD-agenda.
Taking into account very important role played by Switzerland in promoting sustainable mountain development agenda globally and providing significant financial assistance to the developing mountain nations around the world UVU students presented to Swiss envoy special plaque with expressing thanks for contribution to SMD and signed by the members of the UIMF.
Jordan Giles, vice-president of UIMF