High School Essay Contest 2013

Call for Papers for the Utah High School Essay Contest “Water Cooperation" on March 22, 2013


Call for Papers 

The Third Essay Competition and Workshop for High School Students in the State of Utah


As the United Nations has designated 2013 as the International Year of Water Cooperation, the aim of the third UIMF essay competition and workshop is to reach out Utah high school students, inform them of the need for communities around the globe to cooperate with respect to water resources, and suggest how they might become part of the global mountain community, working on water issues under the umbrella of the UN-sponsored agenda of sustainable mountain development. Event: Third Essay Competition and Workshop for high school student in the state of Utah

Topic: Water Sustainability, Cooperation & Accessibility

Organizers: Utah International Mountain Forum (UIMF), Utah Valley University.

Date: Friday March 22, 2013,

Time: 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM,

Place: TBA

Topics for student essays might include any or a combination of the following:

  • The key role of mountains on water sustainability.
  • How to achieve water cooperation among the states.
  • The impact of climate change on water.
  • The role of water in conflict.
  • Water as a basic human right.
  • Threats to the world’s water.
  • Water efficiency and conservation.
  • The globalization and privatization of water.
  • Other points of investigation related to the main topic.

Essay guidelines:

  • 5-7 pages in length, double spaced.
  • Name, Last name, School, and title centered
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12
  • Word document with 1-inch margins.
  • Include page numbers and bibliography.
  • Should include a variety of references (books, journal articles, with a limit of five online resources; Wikipedia does not count!)
  • All essays if possible, should try comparing the topic in relation to the water problem in Utah.

Presentation guidelines:

  • Have to be in PowerPoint or any program similar to it
  • Presentation has to be e-mail with 5 week of anticipation to the committee in order to be taken into consideration.
  • It is advice to students to bring a copy as a support, by the time of the conference.
  • Presentation cannot be more than 10 min with a max of 5 min for questions.

A panel of judges will read submissions and select 10 finalists to present their papers at the workshop. The top 5 and winners will be selected after hearing the presentation. A monetary prize plus certificate will be awarded for the top three papers, plus the change of publishing their essays. All participants (schools, professors & students) will be awarded by special certificates of participation on behalf of the United Nations-related Mountain Partnership in Rome, Italy.

Essays must be submitted on or before March 01, 2013. Please submit the essays in electronic form to: [email protected]

For more information please contact us by e-mail or call to: