United Nations Association of the United States of America organized nationwide Conference Call on Thursday, February 16, 2012 at 6.00 ET under title: “The Future We Want: The UN’s Role in Sustainable Development” with Lawrence J. Gumbiner, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans, Environment and Science, U.S. Department of State and Melinda Kimble, Vice President, International Bioenergy Initiative, UN Foundation. Both speakers shared their views about U.S. involvement in the coming the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20 Summit), discussed sustainability, UN mechanisms handling sustainability, and many other important topics related to sustainable development.
John McClure, President of Utah International Mountain Forum, participated in the Conference Call and made comments about UIMF contribution to the sustainable mountain development agenda (the full recording of the call and the full transcript are available at http://www.unausa.org/Page.aspx?pid=2479).
John McClure, President of UIMF during the UNA-USA Conference Call
The United Nations Association of the United States of America or UNA-USA is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to building understanding of and support for the ideals and work of the United Nations among the American people. Its education, policy and advocacy programs emphasize the importance of cooperation among nations and the need for American leadership at the UN. UNA-USA is affiliated with the World Federation of United Nations Associations, which began in 1946 as a public movement for the UN. It has 135 community based chapters across the United States, and programs on 5 continents.
Announcement Copy
UNA-USA Nationwide Conference Call
Full Transcript of the Call