Dear Mountain Partnership Members and Friends,
With reference to the message below, please note that the deadline for submission of proposed changes to the “Zero Draft” has been postponed to 29 February 2012.
We will be circulating a revised paragraph 94 (the one directly related to mountains) based on comments received from many of you, which you may wish to use in your submission.
We very much look forward to continue working together to have mountains properly reflected in the Rio+20 Outcome.
With best regards,
Tullia Baldassarri Höger von Högersthal
Mountain Partnership Secretariat
FAO, Forestry Department
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Roma
Phone: 0039 06 5705 4498
Mobile: 0039 328 7573475
Additional Links:
Zero Draft
Draft resolution on Sustainable Mountain Development
UNCSD Rio+20 website
Mountain Partnership and Rio+20
Zero Draft of the Outcome Document