Woodbury School of Business (Total estimated cost $70M)
- New 180,000-square-foot building to develop Utah’s future workforce
- UVU has the largest business school in USHE with 5,038 students
- UVU has the least square footage of classroom space per student in USHE
- 2 for 1—Existing business building will be repurposed to classroom and faculty office
space to help meet needs of growing student body
Transportation Needs
- Skywalk to connect west campus and FrontRunner to UVU main campus
- 8th South Orem interchange (MAG’s phase 1 plan)
Compensation (USHE $32.9M/UVU $4.6M)
Be competitive in the global talent market to attract, reward, and retain top faculty
and staff who can prepare citizens and workforce-ready graduates
- 3% performance-based compensation
- 7% health premium increase
Student Growth and Market Demand
New Student Growth (USHE $4M/UVU $1M)
- Half of K–12’s growth in the last decade has been in Utah County
- UVU projects over 45,000 students enrolled at the University by 2025
Market Demand Programs (USHE $19.4M/UVU $2.4M)
- Expand tech and computing programs for access and timely completion
- Develop new healthcare programs to meet demands of a growing population
- Graduate programs in computer science and cybersecurity
- Learning support and tutoring services for STEM programs
Performance Funding (USHE $10M/UVU $1.4M)
- Student Success: Completion
- Advisement, technology, and infrastructure