How to Have a Low-Waste Thanksgiving

How to Have a Low-Waste Thanksgiving

Inviting members of the UVU community to practice these low-waste tips will help our university and our environment breathe cleaner air and enjoy a happier, healthier holiday season.

Utah Valley University is inviting you to make efforts towards a low-waste Thanksgiving this year! Food waste and plastic waste is a huge problem that only gets worse during the holidays. Inviting members of the UVU community to practice these low-waste tips will help our university and our environment breathe cleaner air and enjoy a happier, healthier holiday season. 

5 steps to a low-waste Thanksgiving:

  1. Buy local and organic produce - Buying local produce reduces the environmental impact and brings the community together. The food may also last longer and taste fresher! 

  2. Skip the plastic produce bag - When shopping at the grocery store, take note of what ingredients you already have and then choose to forgo the plastic bags for produce and just place it in the cart. 

  3. Bring a reusable tote to the grocery store - When checking out, decline plastic grocery bags and use tote bags brought from home. Additionally, choose to have your receipt emailed to you instead of printed! 

  4. Use reusable dishes, silverware, and cups - It’s a bigger hassle to wash all the dishes, but it makes a big difference when so much extra plastic and paper waste are tossed after just one use. Split up the dishes task and make it a fun family affair.

  5. Use tupperware or beeswax wraps for leftovers instead of plastic wraps - Using plastic wrap and aluminum foil for leftovers also contributes to single-use waste. Pick up some beeswax wrap at the store to place over leftovers if you don’t already have glass containers. 


We hope all Wolverines have a great and low-waste Thanksgiving break! Remember that small efforts add up and help make the world a better place.