September 2021 Newsletter

September 2021 Newsletter

First International Academic Conference on the Sustainable Development Goals Seeking Youth Committee Members

First Academic Conference: A decade of why it matters. UVU.

In Fall 2022 the UVU Office for Global Engagement will be hosting the First International Academic Conference on the Sustainable Development Goals: Why it Matters. The Office for Global Engagement is looking for youth ages (18-32) who are willing to be active players in the organization, promotion, and execution of the conference.

Co-sponsored by the United Nations Department of Global Communications through the Academic Impact Initiative, the conference is an important opportunity to mobilize academic experts and civil society advocates to study the mechanisms of implementation and success of the Sustainable Development Goals. Conference participants will gather in Utah to be part of a global conversation that will define an inclusive and culturally appropriate international and regional messaging, academic approaches and advocacy strategies, partnerships and governmental accountability frameworks including financing for development.

Youth have proven to be a powerful factor in instigating positive change in our global community. If you are interested in being a part of the UVU Youth Host Committee, please apply to the Committee on the Conference website and attend the upcoming virtual Committee meeting on September 17, 9:30 - 11:00 AM.

Plant-iful Meatless Dining Options on Campus

Veggtalbes placed in the shape of a heart

Did you know that what you eat can account for 10 to 30% of your carbon footprint? Reducing or eliminating meat from you diet can be a great way to shrink the impact of your diet. Whether you are participating in Meatless Mondays or are a committed vegetarian or vegan, on campus dining has options for you!

  • Guru's (CB): Guru's has an entire vegetarian section on their menu, several of which can be made vegan (indicated by a "V" symbol on menu).
  • Cupbop (FL): The Doochi Bop and Noodle Bop are vegetarian and can be made vegan by omitting the lime sauce & spicy mayo. The Bulgogi, #7, and #10 sauces are vegan.
  • Taco Bell (RL): Taco Bell's online menu has a Veggie Cravings section with all of their vegetarian options most of which can be made vegan by ordering them "Fresco style" which removes all dairy & mayo sauces and replaces it with tomatoes. How to order vegan at Taco Bell.
  • Subway (RL): The Veggie Delite sandwich is vegetarian and can easily be made vegan by omitting cheese and choosing a vegan bread. If the Veggie Patty sandwich is available check the patty ingredients to ensure it is vegan/vegetarian. How to order vegan at Subway.
  • Jamba (RL): Jamba offers many plant-based smoothies and some vegetarian food items, including an Impossible sausage breakfast sandwich (not vegan, has cheese) and a vegan sweet pretzel.
  • Roll-Up Café (CS): Roll-Up does not offer any vegan options, but all of the sweet crepes and one savory crepe (Getaway) are vegetarian.

You can learn more about the impacts the food you eat has on the environment on the Our World in Data page on the Environmental Impacts of Food Production. And finally don't forget that food waste accounts for 6% of global emissions so do your best to avoid it.

Pack It Out Utah


Join the Utah State University Extension office for Utah's second statewide trails and waterways cleanup: Pack It Out Utah! As more and more people use Utah's public lands for recreation there has been an unfortunate increase in garbage at trails, parks, neighborhoods, and waterways. Pack It Out Utah is a partnership between local governments and non-profits to clean up public lands and improve waterways.

On the Pack It Out Utah website you can find organized events across the state, or you can find a location to do your own clean-up using their interactive map of suggested locations. You can also download a Trash Collection Data sheet to help the USU Extension develop an understanding of common types of trash in Utah's public lands. You can also find guidelines on how safely collect and dispose of the trash you collect.

Get out there and help keep Utah's public lands & waterways free of trash and share your experience on social media using #PackItOutUtah and #PackItOutUtah2021.

Job Opportunities