UVU Student and Sponsor Responsibilities

Student Responsibilities

  • Follow steps found in the class schedule for admission and registration.
  • Print a copy of tuition amount for sponsoring agency.
  • Check with Accounts Receivable to ensure sponsor paperwork/payment is processed, prior to payment deadline. (Note: UVU will not be responsible for reinstating classes that have been dropped because the authorization/payments did not arrive at the school on time.)
  • Check with the Accounts Receivable office after any class change to ensure tuition differences are covered.
  • Hand carry the voucher to BA-108 or email it to [email protected] if registering late.
  • Check with Accounts Receivable for any outstanding tuition and fees questions.
  • Late fees apply if authorizations do not arrive on time.
  • Any remaining balance after sponsor payments is the student's responsibility and must be paid according to published deadlines, otherwise late fees may be applied.
Note: Students are encouraged to use the UVU Bookstore to price any books covered by the sponsor.

Sponsor Responsibilities

  • Ensure the authorization arrives at the school in a timely manner.
  • Ensure the authorization contains all necessary information and is clear in describing the terms of the authorization.
  • Verify tuition amounts using the Tuition Table for the current semester.
  • Ensure prompt payment of the invoice (within 30 days of receipt).
  • Sponsor will be held responsible for payment on authorization submitted to UVU prior to the student's termination from the sponsor's organization.

sponsor and student