Critical mass podcast

The term "critical mass" in physics refers to the minimum material needed to spark a chemical reaction. In social sciences, the term "critical mass" refers to the minimum number of people needed in order to enact social change. The Critical Mass podcast is dedicated to educating in a way that resonates and invites listeners to become active community members engaged in the fulfilling work of social impact.


Note: The opinions expressed are those of the podcast participants alone, and do not necessarily represent Utah Valley University or the UVU Center for Social Impact.

two people protesting with loudspeaker and words "Critical Mass podcast"

Season four

Hosted by Social Impact Fellow Dani Lestor.















Season Three

Hosted by Social Impact Fellow Hannah Ruiz.









Season Two

Hosted by Social Impact Fellows Bre Lambert and Priscilla Villasenor-Navarro.








Season One

Hosted by Social Impact Fellows Kira Smalls and Taylor Bell. Episodes of Season One are hosted on our IGTV @uvusocialimpact or you can find them linked below.

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real talk podcast cover



real talk podcast cover

real talk podcast cover

real talk podcast cover

real talk podcast cover

real talk podcast cover

real talk podcast cover

real talk podcast cover

real talk podcast cover

real talk podcast cover