
11/1 Thursday 09:00-11:30
Posters & demonstrations
Science Atrium

Amelia Cope Indonesian Tsunami Mitigation
Annalyse Kofoed UVU Student Engagement with Diversity: A Comparative Study
Austin Crandall UN Sustainable Development Goals: The Case of Quality of Education and Income Distribution in the U.S.
Carol Bejar Orellana/ Isak Larsen  Water Quality Study and Trace Metals
Cassandra Hoopes Second Language Acquisition in a Post-Methods Era 
Channing Hyde Why Are You So Offended?
Christina Keller Picaresque 
Clayton Rawson Impact of Phragmites australis Control on Utah Lake Water Quality
Cody Wells UN Sustainable Development Goals: Life on Land.  The Case of Deforestation in the U.S.
Colby Gillies Water Consumption in Utah
Emily Kohnman International Wealth Management: China's Growing Wealth
Ian G Hatch, Michelle D. Loveland The Risk of Addiction in Traumatic Brain Injury
Iryna Chelepis Inhibition of Fungal Biofilm of Absidia corymbifera and Studies of the Antifungal Activity of Amphotericin B and Origanum vulgare (Oregano) Oil 
Jason Richardson Showcase poster
Jedediah Orullian Synergistic antifungal activity of amphotericin B, essential oils and low frequency ultrasound on Mucormycosis causing fungi.
Jonathan Davis Constraining Cosmological Parameters through the kSZ effect
Jordon Ciriako A qualitative study exploring reasons for a service dog as an intervention for PTSD among military personnel
Justin Wilbert, Devin Gilbert The Intersection of  Marital Problems, Unhealthy Lifestyles, and ADHD Challenges
Kelly Clegg Affordable and Clean Energy
Kristina Smith, Anne "Shelly" Hutchinson, Courtney Carlton, Parker Schouten, Ammon Veil, and Sean Owens. The Effect of Demographic Status on Beliefs about Treating Depression
Mason Acree Artificial Intelligence for Cancer Detection
Megan Verno/ Cason Dotson Identity Congruence, Gender Roles and Correlations with Depression among Women
Melania Pena Evidence for a High Altitude Haze on an L/T Transition Brown Dwarf
Michelle Loveland PTSD, Depression and Veteran Academic Performance
Monica English Existing at a Precarious Intersection: Experiences of Negotiating LGBTQIA Mormon Identity in Utah
Nicholas Newell Effectiveness of DNA Barcoding on Cave Dwelling Arachnids, Crustaceans, and Insects
Peter Williams, Tyler Barton, Michaella Loveless, Can a Visual and Auditory Stimulus Elicit a Measurable Stress Response?
Spencer Eyring Zero Hunger
Summer Turpin Exploring postsecondary academic performance and problems as risk factors and warning signs of suicidal ideation and behavior…
Xinyue cheng United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: The Case of Lung Cancer in Kentucky 
Zach Dean, Kendrick Kiggins, Jacob Kirkpatrick, Joshua Kirkpatrick, Thomas Mahoney, Tyrel Porter, McKenzie Roberts, Amelia Weixler, Jaren Woods Using CRISPR to find melanin-related Sox10 target genes
Zach Rodgerson Showcase UN Goals Project

Total: 33 posters

Schedule Overview

11/01/2018 Thursday

09:00-11:30 - posters and demonstrations(Science Atrium)

11:30-01:30 - lunch with departmental resource booths (Center Stage)

01:00-03:30 - posters and demonstrations(Science Atrium)

11/02/2018 Friday

09:30-11:30 - performances (Rebecca Lockhart Arena (RL) 152 dance studio)

09:00-11:30 - art and design, digital media(science atrium)

11:30-01:30 - lunch with alumni keynotes (Timpanagos room in UVU library)

01:30-03:00 - performances (Rebecca Lockhart Arena (RL) 152 dance studio)

01:30-04:00 - virtual reality demo  (science atrium)  

11/1 Thursday 
11:30-01:30 - lunch with departmental resource booths (Center Stage)

11/1 Thursday 01:00-03:30 
Posters & demonstrations
Science Atrium

Aisa Gibbons The Alleviation of Anxiety in College Students as They Advance in Semesters Enrolled
Ashley Franklin Graphic Novels and English as a second language
Brittany Allred Construct of Healing in Psychotherapy
Brooke Schroeder Mental Health Experts and the Justice System: Concerns and Future Directions
Bryan Dalley, Jordon Ciriako, Kylie Zimmerman, and Kayla Stubbs Exploring the Beck Depression Inventory: 57 Years of Assessment
Cason Dotson, Michelle Loveland, Brian Timberlake Gender & ADHD Levels among Married Former UVU Students  
Conner Gleason UN Sustainable Development Goals: Innovation, Industry, and Infrastructure: an Analysis of Haiti
Cougar B Einfeldt UN Goal 16 and the Effects of Violence in East Africa
Dillon Harper Bibliotherapy : Evidence for How it's Used and Whether it's Effective 
Dominique Elder The Effects of Bisphenol- A; Bisphenol-A’s Damaging Effects on Human Reproduction and Development and its Role in Chronic Illness
Duncan Christensen UN Sustainable Development Goals: The Case of Inequality in the United States
Eric Mena UN Sustainable Development Goals: Poverty in Malawi: An Analysis of Government Policy and Foreign Aid
Henok Gebremichael Zebra-FISHING for Genes (Analysis of Macrophage Gene Expression in Response to Tissue Wounding)
James Taylor Localization and electrical stimulation of sexually dimorphic neural correlates of anxiety: a pilot study
Joshua Balmforth Probing the mechanism of binding between the sperm and egg cell surface receptors by molecular dynamics simulations…
McKay DNA Methylation: Current Knowledge, Research, and Future Medical Possibilities
Melissa Findeis "Pantsuits and Pearls": The Role of Gender and New Media in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election
Phillip Rich Algae Harvester
Sandra Cameron, Kristen Thomsen, Steven Bagley Facilitating Student Learning by Enhancing Metacognition and Readiness to Change
Sarah Callaway Wasatch Elementary School Absentee Survey
Sydney Houghton The Dispersal of Holmgren’s Milk-vetch (Astragalus holmgreniorum) Seed Pods by Wind
Sylwia Lipinska Hardman,  Enkhzaya Nyam-Ochir, Gretchen Monson, Shelly Crook Hutchinson, Kris Anderson, Zachary Dean, Clayton Rawson, Chase Jenson, James Taylor UVU/TCU Collaboration
Taylor Christensen and Derek McGovern  \ Rhen Parmenter and  Jeremiah Cunningham GNSS Rapid Static and RMS Horizontal Error \ Exploring Elevation Differences…
Tyson Hillock Effect of Extracorporeal Shockwave on Rhizopus oryzae biofilm.

Total: 24 posters

11/2 Friday 
Performances & creative research
RL 152 Dance studio

Shandra Salmon



 Dance Education

Characterizing Emotion Through Choreography

Ganae Osorio and Kimberly Memmott



 Commercial Music


Paula Powell



 Modern, Dance Education, Behavioral Science 

No Words

Marisa Crowder




Daughter of a King

Spencer Muir and Libby Stevenson



 Ballroom Dance, Business Management

Red Rouge- An exploration of the Human Will to Survive

Doug Smith




Percussion UVU

Francesca DeMartino



 Fine Art with an Emphasis in Ballet; Behavioral Science with an emphasis in Psychology 

The Aftershocks: A Research through Dance on the Emotional Symptoms of Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder

Isabella Arnett



 Modern Dance


Meladi Hodges



 Dance Education

Japanese Ideals in Michio Itos Choreography and Technique

11/2 Friday 09:00-11:30
Art & design, digital media
Science Building Atrium

Aneeqa Janjua Insomnia Severity and University Student Academic Performance 
Blake Newman and Aubrey Nielsen Ethical Implications of Deforestation 
Daniel Balser Zachariah Becerra Graylon Berg Alise Borne Jayson Brandner Cassey Burke Robert Dean Ellen Hall Jared Johnson Nathan Jones Briana Kroll Joshua Lamping Nicole Laudie Rolon Monica Lopez Janelle Pedroza Jared Peterson Parker Phelps Tihare Salazar Carrasco Kyle Takke Evan Traasdahl Spencer Vance Joseph Venoza Memorias de la Tierra / Memories of Earth: an insight into the graphic world of Miguel Brieva 
Della Don Janjua An Analysis of Student Mental Health and Academic Performance
emily ferre, Austin Ewell Ethical Implications of Genetic Screenings in In Vitro Fertilization
Michael Skanchy, Jared Walker, Ben Espinoza To Abort or Not to Abort, That is the Question

11/2 Friday 
11:30-01:30 - lunch with alumni keynotes (Timpanagos room in UVU library)

11/2 Friday 01:30-4:00
Art & design, digital media
Science Building Atrium

Tim Smith, Logan Barnes, Daniel Gray - Development and Utilization of Virtual Reality Educational Content for Use by Students of Chemistry