
Do you know a UVU student who is struggling?With coursework? Personal issues? Anything that might be impeding their success at UVU? Not sure how to help them?

We sponsor a simple and confidential referral service that allows First-Year Experience & Student Retention to reach out to struggling students with resources that might just make the difference in their ability to cope and succeed.

It's easy. It's confidential. It's important.

Refer-A-Student Form

Your name:

Your phone number:

Relationship with student:(More than one option may apply)

Student´s name: *

Student's UVID:(Not required but very helpful)

Contact Info: *(phone, email, etc)

Student is struggling in the following areas: *(More than one option may apply)

Briefly explain the problem or concern you have regarding the student

Have you spoken with the student about the problem?

Did the student want help?

Additional comments and information you can provide to help us help the student