Recommendations for Faculty

The faculty at UVU are committed to facilitating a successful transition to college for all incoming students through an intentional first-year experience that:

  • Introduces students to faculty who mentor and model engaged learning.
  • Fosters habits of academic inquiry that are foundational for life-long learning.
  • Provides opportunities for meaningful academic and social interactions, helping students to develop an identification with the UVU community.
  • Cultivates students' sense of responsibility and accountability for their education.
  • Encourages understanding of and commitment to civic responsibility.

Post Midterm Grades


All faculty teaching freshman courses and other courses with a high failure rate are strongly encouraged to provide and post midterm gradeson Banner. By posting midterm grades in Banner, academic advisors and other UVU departments can access the grades and run reports listing students who may need extra academic support. 

Utilize student-centered pedagogy

Cultivate your student's sense of responsibility and accountability for their education.

Set and adhere to regular office hours

Encourage students to ask questions outside of class and give them your full attention when they drop by.

Foster opportunities for meaningful academic and social interaction with students outside the classroom

  • Mentor students outside of class.
  • Participate regularly in your college or school's student-oriented events (open houses, Dean's "Meet & Greet," etc.).
  • Provide club leadership.

Sponsor service learning

Encourages student understanding of, and commitment to, civic responsibility.

Lead student research teams

Provides additional mentoring opportunities and ways to model engaged scholarship.


The recommendations and philosophy statement were developed by UVU's Faculty Connections & Academic Experience committee, a committee comprised of faculty members representing each of UVU's colleges and schools.