Student Systems Access

Instructions and Forms


What needs to happen first?

  1. Employee must first be set up with People & Culture (HR) in the correct position. The next steps will not work if not set up as an employee with P&C!
  2. Employee must complete FERPA training (link sent via email).
  3. Employee must read and sign the UVU Employee Confidentiality and Data Protection Acknowledgment.

Who submits the form?

An employee's supervisor or a department admin. Forms cannot be submitted by the person that needs access.

How long does this process take?

Up to 5 days (can be much quicker if the steps above are complete!)


Go to the Employee Form


Note: the person must first have a UVID.  Request an ID in the UVID Request for Non-Employees section below.

What needs to happen?

  1. UVU Sponsoring Department submits the form.
  2. Non-employee completes FERPA training  (sent via email).
  3. Non-employee must read and sign the Utah Valley University Employee Confidentiality and Data Protection Acknowledgment (sent via email).

How long does this process take?

Up to 10 days (can be much quicker when the steps above are complete!)


Go to the Non-Employee Form

UVID Request for Non-Employees

This form is used to request the creation of a UVID for a sponsored non-employee who may need a UVU ID card, systems access, bus pass, door access, etc. Examples of non-employees needing UVIDs are:

  • BYU ROTC Faculty and Staff
  • Visiting Scholars
  • High School Concurrent Enrollment Instructors
  • Educational Endorsement Instructors
  • UCAS Faculty and Staff
  • LDS Institute Instructors
  • International Advisory Board Members (President's Office)
  • Those needing Wee Care Access
  • Those needing Dining Services Door Access

UVID Request Process

  1. A UVU sponsoring department staff submits the request for the non-employee.
  2. The request is reviewed by the Registrar's Office Systems Admin and a copy is sent to the college or school dean (where applicable).
  3. A UVID is created.
  4. The submitter receives a confirmation email with the UVID included.


If the non-employee needs system access, door access, a bus pass, etc., those requests are handled separately.


Submit Request Form


Questions? Contact the Student Systems Access Administrator:

Amanda Reid | [email protected] | 801-863-8436

Headshot of Wilson the Wolverine

Questions? Ask Wilson