Student Syllabus

Academic Honesty and Integrity

Utah Valley University expects all students to maintain integrity and high standards of individual honesty in academic work, to obey the law, and to show respect for others. Students of this class are expected to support an environment of academic integrity, have the right to such an environment, and should avoid all aspects of academic dishonesty. Examples of academic dishonesty include plagiarizing, faking of data, sharing information during an exam, discussing an exam with another student who has not taken the exam, consulting reference material during an exam, submitting an assignment which was authored in whole or in part by someone other than you, and/or cheating in any form.

In keeping with UVU policy, evidence of academic dishonesty may result in a failing grade in the course and disciplinary review by the college. Any student caught cheating will receive, at minimum, zero points on that assignment for the first offense. A second offense can result in failing the course and will entail being reported to Student Advising. Academic dishonesty includes, in part, using materials obtained from another student, published literature, and the Internet without proper acknowledgment of the source. Additional information on this topic is published in the student handbook and is available on the UVU website.

Situation of academic dishonesty will be reported to the  Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution office as, at a minimum, an informational item and potentially as an item for investigation, resolution, or other.

Student Code of Conduct


All UVU students are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner acceptable at an institution of higher learning. All students are expected to obey the law, to perform contracted obligations, to maintain absolute integrity and high standards of individual honesty in academic work, and to observe a high standard of conduct for the academic environment.

The Student Rights and Responsibilities Code, or Code of Conduct, outlines for students what they can expect from the University and what the University expects of them.

Student Timelines

You are responsible for being aware of and abiding by the dates and deadlines on the student timelines for this term found on the UVU Schedule.

Understand when you may drop this class

 It is the student’s responsibility to understand when they need to consider dropping from a course. Dates and deadlines for dropping a course can be found in the Student Timetable. After the period specified, a serious and compelling reason is required to drop from the course and would need approval from not just the faculty but also the department chair as well as the Dean’s office. 

Incomplete Policy


An Incomplete (I) Grade is only given due to an extenuating circumstance. The final decision to issue an Incomplete grade is up to the instructor. Review the following criteria taken from Policy 523 at for information on when an incomplete grade can be given:

The student was unable to complete the course due to extenuating circumstances:

  • Incapacitating Illness
  • Death in the immediate family
  • Change in the student's work schedule by the employer
  • Other deemed acceptable by the instructor
  • The student must have completed a minimum of 70% of the required work

An Incomplete Grade form indicating work completed and work to be completed must be signed by the department chairperson, and turned into the Registrar’s Office at the end of the semester. Incomplete Grade forms can be obtained from the Registrar's Office.

Unofficial Withdrawal


UW will be given only when a student stops attending and completing work before the regularly scheduled date to officially withdraw as found in the Student Timetable but did not actually officially withdraw. Rationale: The assumption here is that the student did not realize the necessity to physically withdraw or made an error in this process, but all intentions of the student were to withdraw from the class prior to the withdrawal deadline

See also Academic Policies and Standards in the UVU Catalog which notes, "If a student stops attending (but does not officially withdraw) before the last day to withdraw, he/she should receive a UW.”

Late Work


Late work acceptance is at the discretion of the instructor. Generally, late work will not be accepted without a doctor’s note or lawyers note unless previously discussed with and approved by your instructor. Computer problems, work schedule, lack of internet access, traffic, travel or similar excuses do not constitute rationale for late homework. Again, the instructor has the right to modify their handling of late work.

Discrimination/Harassment/Sexual Misconduct


It’s on us to prevent discrimination/harassment against members of protected classes. If you see something, step up and say something. If you encounter discrimination, harassment, or gender-based discrimination (including discrimination or harassment based on pregnancy, pregnancy related conditions, sexual orientation or gender identity) or sexual violence (dating violence, domestic violence, stalking including unwanted electronic contact), please contact the Office for Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action and Title IX. Additional information regarding options and services can be found at UVU Title IX

Consistent with State and Federal Law such as Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Utah Valley University is committed to maintaining a respectful and safe environment for its students, faculty, staff, and visitors. UVU policies 162 and 165 define and prohibit all forms of unlawful discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct and retaliation in its programs services and activities. Utah Valley University policy 165 prohibits any form of:

  • Discrimination based on one or more protected classes, (Race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual harassment, sexual orientation, gender identity, age (40 and over), disability, veteran status, pregnancy, childbirth, or pregnancy-related conditions, genetic information, or other bases protected by applicable federal, state, or local law)
  • Harassment based on one or more protected classes, including sexual harassment (policy 162), or
  • Retaliation(a negative action or discouraging someone from reporting discrimination/harassment or participating in a University internal investigation).

If you need accommodations, please see the appropriate contact below:

  • ADA: Students who need accommodations because of a disability may contact the UVU Accessibility Services Department (ASD), located on the Orem Campus in LC 312. To schedule an appointment or to speak with a counselor, call the ASD office at 801-863-8747. Deaf/Hard of Hearing individuals, email [email protected] or text 385-208-2677.
  • Pregnancy: Accessibility Services or Office for Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action (EOAA), ext. 5704, BA 203.
  • Religious: You may begin by asking your professor. If you have questions or concerns, contact the EOAA.
  • Veterans (Military Leave, Course Withdraw, or Other Assistance):  Veteran Services, ext. 8212, WB100.
  • Conflict resolution: EOAA or Student Ombuds - ext. 7237, SC 107
  • Unwanted sexual harassment, contact, stalking, dating or domestic violence: UVU Police Department (UVUPD) - ext. 5555, GT 331
  • Student Health Services: Student Health Services (with anonymity) - ext. 8876, SC 221
  • UVU Police Department - ext. 5555, GT 331
  • Information about gender neutral facilities or gender personal pronouns: You may ask professor/supervisor to use your personal name and pronouns. If you are unclear about pronouns or identifiers, you may request clarification. If you have questions or concerns contact LGBT Student Services, LA 126, ext. 8885 or the EOAA.

 Technology Support Services


For technical support contact the UVU Service Desk (801) 863-8888

Department Protocal

Late Add Policy

Our department policy does not allow for any “Late Adds” into classes after the waitlist period ends.


Withdrawal Exception Forms are now done completely through the Registration office. Individual department advisors cannot withdraw a student from classes. The link to the form can be found at: : clicking on “Request a Late Withdrawal”, instructions can be found there for the student to read before submitting the form.

Attendance Policy

Students arriving more than 30 minutes late for class will not be allowed to sign the role and will be marked absent for the day. Absences for UVU-related activities (e.g. athletics), funerals, etc. will only be excused if proper documentation is provided to the instructor. The instructor will make decisions regarding medically-excused absences requiring less than two weeks of accommodation. Medically-excused absences requiring more than two weeks of accommodation will be presented, discussed and decided (while maintaining anonymity) at the next Public Health department meeting.

The following attendance policy has been implemented for all Public Health department programs, including Public Health, Healthcare Administration and School Health Education:

Students who miss a total of 2.5 hours of class time UNEXCUSED during fall and spring semesters (the equivalent of three classes on a MWF schedule, two classes on a TR schedule or one night class) or 3.5 hours of class time during the 6-week summer semester block (the equivalent of two classes) will receive an automatic drop of one full grade (e.g. A to a B).

Students who miss 5.0 or more hours of class time UNEXCUSED during fall and spring semesters (the equivalent of six classes on a MWF schedule, four classes on a TR schedule or two night classes) or 5.5 hours of class time during a 6-week summer semester block (the equivalent of three classes) will automatically fail the course.

Student Timelines

Students are responsible for being aware of and abiding by the dates and deadlines on the student timelines for this and every term found on the UVU Schedule.

Department Matriculation Requirements

In order to formally matriculate into the Community Health programs, students must complete the following:

  1. Complete the following courses with no grade lower than a C-:
    1. ENGL 1010
    2. ENGL 2010
    3. MATH 1050 OR STAT 1040 (See advisor for appropriate course)
    4. BIOL 1010
    5. ZOOL 1090
    6. HLTH 3200
  2. Attach a copy of your Personal Philosophy of Health
  3. Attach a copy of your 1, 5, and 10 year professional goals
  4. Earn a GPA of 2.5 or higher
  5. Student will be required to complete the catalog requirements that are in effect the semester in which matriculation is granted. 

Student Concerns and Complaints

Any student who has a problem or an issue with an instructor or course is directed to review the course syllabus thoroughly and attempt to resolve the issue directly with the instructor via the email address noted in the syllabus.  Instructors should reply to student emails within 24 hours (Monday-Friday).  The student should allow adequate time for the instructor to reply and document all communication with the instructor.  If the student is dissatisfied with the instructor’s decision, he/she may contact the Department Chair.  If the student is dissatisfied with the Department Chair’s decision, he/she may submit a formal written appeal to the College of Health & Public Service Assistant Dean for Students.  If the student is dissatisfied with the Assistant Dean’s decision, he/she may submit an appeal to the Council on Academic Standards (CAS).  The CAS will review the appeal and make a final decision.  There is no appellate level higher than the CAS. 

Any student who is dissatisfied with a decision made by one of the department advisors may contact the Department Chair and follow the chain of command described above.  Any student who has a complaint about the conduct of one of the department advisors should contact the College of Health and Public Service Advisor Manager.  Contact information for all individuals described above may be obtained from the Department of Public and Community Health administrative assistant.

Challenge Credit Process

  1. Students shall first approach their assigned academic advisor and attempt to informally resolve concerns, differences or appeals.
  2. After obtaining feedback from the advisor regarding the rationale for their decision, and assuming dissatisfaction still exists at the conclusion of the first step, the student may submit a written appeal to the departmentchair, in a consultation setting.
  3. Finally, if a mutual understanding cannot be reached in the second step, the student may submit a formal written appeal to the AssistantDean for Students.