

Meet With Your Counselor

Pre-Requisite Requirements for UVU's Nursing Program

Before scheduling an appointment with one of our pre-nursing counselors, please watch this brief video and review this handout for an overview of the requirements for UVU's nursing program.


Pre-Nursing Group Advisement Sessions

We occasionally hold group advisement sessions online through Microsoft Teams to help answer general questions about UVU's nursing program, the application process, and interview tips.  We will announce new dates soon.

Quick Question?

If you are unable to schedule an appointment with your counselor and have a quick question, please email us at [email protected]. Thank you for your patience.

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The ASN program prepares students to become practicing registered nurses. Students must complete all
pre-requisite classes before applying to the nursing program. Once in the nursing program, students complete 4 semesters of the ASN program. Students would then be eligible to graduate with an ASN and apply to take the NCLEX-RN exam to receive their RN license. Graduates of the ASN program would be eligible to remain in the program and seamlessly transition to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). Entry into the nursing program is determined by a competitive application process.