Safety Tips and Suggestions


  1. Secure bookcases, filing cabinets, shelves, racks, and similar items over four feet tall.
  2. Secure compressed gas cylinders to firm support by means of a strong chain or belt at the top and lower half of the cylinders
  3. Store valuable materials sensitive to shock damage such as laboratory instruments, computer disks, and glassware in latched cabinets or on lipped shelves to prevent falling.
  4. Rearrange cluttered storage areas (especially hallways or near exits) to provide evacuation routes in the event of an emergency. If items are stored or secured in exit areas, they must be removed.
  5. Store chemicals according to EH&S guidelines and requirements.
  6. Minimize the number of glass bottles containing flammable or extremely toxic materials. Use safety cans or flammable liquid storage cabinets where possible.
  7. Secure and cover vessels, vats, dip tanks or other items that contain hazardous liquids so they will not fall over.
  8. Move or rearrange your desk or work tables away from windows.
  9. Inspect your work areas periodically with your Safety Committee to maintain awareness and to identify situations for correction.
  10. Keep things stored on low levels, especially large and heavy objects.
  11. If you are using any hazardous materials or chemicals, please call EH&S (863-8024) for a Materials Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for further health and safety information.
  12. For optimal preparation, your department and/ or building should have an Emergency Preparedness Plan in place. This includes an evacuation map, emergency telephone list, and emergency assembly area.
  13. Be certain to hold periodic emergency evacuation and preparedness drills.


  1. Make sure doors close securely behind you when exiting.
  2. Alert co-workers and the Campus Police at (801)863-5555 if you see any strange or suspicious people or behavior in or around the building.
  3. If you must work after hours, take precautions so strangers cannot enter the building or your office.
  4. When working late and concerned, call University Police for an escort to your car or public transportation.
  5. Secure Personal Property (i.e. purses, briefcases, wallets, laptops.)