Fall 2023 Publication Roundup

2023 was an amazingly productive year for our faculty, evidenced by the slew of publications they saw released over the past few months. See below for a roundup of some of the highlights from the semester. Congratulations to all!

Scott Abbott
"That beautiful And so on" in The Goalie's Anxiety

Elaine Englehardt
"The Duel between Effective Altruism and Greed" in Teaching Ethics: The Journal of the Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum

Kristina Gibby
Ancestral Voices, Healing Narratives: Female Ghosts in Contemporary US and Caribbean Fiction published by Rowman & Littlefield

Iaan Reynolds
Education for Political Life: Critique, Theory, and Practice in Karl Mannheim's Sociology of Knowledgepublished by Rowman & Littlefield

Ezgi Sertler
"Notes from a Stuctural Epistemologist" in Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy

Eric Stencil
The Philosophy of Antoine Arnauld forthcoming from Cambridge University Press
The Oxford Handbook of Malebranche forthcoming from Cambridge University Press
"Elisabeth of Bohemia on the Soul" in Journal of Modern Philosophy
"Pensées Imperceptibles in Arnauld and Nicole" in Revue internationle de philosophie (with Julie Walsh)
"Say not that you are a light unto yourself': Seventeenth Century Conceptions of Humility in Epistemology, Ethics, and Politics" forthcoming in Humility: A History published by Oxford University Press (with Julie Walsh)
"Pascal(s), Arnauld(s), and Port-Royal(s)" in The Blackwell Companion to Pascal forthcoming from Wiley-Blackwell
Review of Deborah J. Brown and Calvin G. Normore's Descartes and the Ontology of Everyday Life in Mind

Chris Weigel
"Supererogatory Duties and Caregiver Heroic Testimony" in Feminist Philosophy Quarterly