Multicultural Mormonism

2017 Mormon Studies Conference

Multicultural Mormonism
Religious Cohesion in a New Era of Diversity

Like the early Christians, Mormons are admonished to “go into all the world to preach the gospel.” This requires the American-born religion to “translate” its faith and practices into many different cultural contexts. This has led to debates about how to distinguish between core doctrines and rituals and the cultural particularities of Utah-based Mormon culture. How does a religious body promote cohesion and unity while at the same time allowing for cultural inclusivity and diversity? To what extent is it possible for multiple cultures to work with authenticity in a single religious community? Can these cultures thrive within a common “Gospel Culture” and maintain their unique identities, languages, and customs? To what extent are they vulnerable to cultural assimilation, alienation, and spiritual and religious colonization? This conference explores multicultural and intercultural interactions within Mormonism, focusing on issues surrounding ethnicity, race, and class, and look toward the future of Mormonism as a global religion. 


Schedule of Events 
click title link for video


Wednesday, March 29th 


UVU Classroom Building Fifth Floor (CB-511) 




7:00 p.m. 


Keynote address 


"Latinos in Utah:Theology, Ethnicity, and Religion"  (video)


Armando Solorzano 
Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies & Family and Consumer Studies,  
University of Utah 


Author of We Remember, We Celebrate, We Believe, Recuerdo, Celebración, Y Esperanza: Latinos in Utah  



Thursday, March 30th  


Classroom Building Fifth Floor (CB-511) 




8:30 - 8:45 a.m.  






8:45 - 9:45 a.m.  


"Decolonizing the Blossoming: Indigenous People's Faith in a Colonizing Church"  (video)


Moroni Benally 


Vice President for Government Affairs and Public Relations, Diné College 


Former Executive Director for the Navajo Nation Division of Natural Resources 




"Don't You Know You Can't Go Home Again?: 
Shifting Contexts and Competing Authenticity among Indians and Mormons" 


Matthew Garrett 


Professor of History, Bakersfield College 
Author of Making Lamanites: Mormons, Native Americans, and the Indian Student Placement Program 1947-2000  



10:00 - 11:00 a.m. 


Keynote Address 


"There’s No Such Thing as ‘A’ Gospel Culture"  (video)


Gina Colvin 


School of Educational Studies & Leadership, University of Canterbury, New Zealand 


Host of A Thoughtful Faith podcast; author of KiwiMormon blog  




11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.  


Panel Discussion (video)




12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.  






1:00 - 2:15 p.m. 


The Black 14 film screening 




2:00 - 2:50 p.m. 


"Finishing the Business of Civil Rights: Black Athletes in the Age of Social Unrest"  (video)


Darron Smith  


Assistant Professor of Public Health Services, Wichita State University  
Co-editor of Black and Mormon and White Parents, Black Children 




3:00 - 4:00 p.m. 


Panel Discussion 






Friday, March 31st 


UVU Classroom Building Fifth Floor (CB-511) 




9:00 - 9:50 a.m. 


"A Balm In Gilead: 
Reconciling Black Bodies within a Mormon Imagination 


Janan Graham-Russell 


Writer and Womanist scholar; contributor to The Atlantic and Mormon Feminism: Essential Writings, and A Book of Mormons 




“Mormons, Immigration, and Whitness (video)


Paul Reeve 


Professor of History, University of Utah 
Author of Religion of a Different Color: Race & the Mormon Struggle for Whiteness 




10:00 - 10:50 a.m.  


Keynote Address  


"Thoughts on Latinos, the Mormon Afterlife & the Need for a New Historical Paradigm" (video)


Ignacio Garcia 


Lemuel Hardison Redd, Jr. Professor of Western & Latino History,  
Brigham Young University 
Author of Chicano While Mormon: Activism, War, and Keeping the Faith  




11:00 - 12:00 a.m. 


Panel Discussion (video)




12:00 - 1:00 p.m. 






1:00 - 1:50 p.m. 


"To Be Young, Mormon, and Tongan"  (video)


Anapesi Ka'ili 


Instructor, Department of Education Culture and Society, University of Utah  


Specializes in Pacific Island history, native languages and cultural identities.  




Moana Ulave Hafoka 


Community Liaison, Salt Lake City Mayor's Office 


Gates Millennium Scholar 




2:00 - 2:50 p.m. 


"The Lamanite Dialogue: Further Discussion on Latin Communities and 
Indigenous Identities in Mormonism" 


Agustin "Tino" Diaz 


Program Director, Educational Opportunity Center, Utah Valley University 




The Lamanite Dialogue: A Contemporary Conversation Regarding Indigeneity,
Oceania, and Borderlands in Mormonism


Daniel Hernandez 


Department of Anthropology, University of Auckland, New Zealand 




3:00 - 4:00 p.m.   


Panel Discussion 


the conference is free and open to the public 

for more information, contact  

Boyd Petersen at [email protected] or Brian Birch at [email protected]