Online classes provide flexibility to learn when and where you choose, allowing you to fit your learning into your schedule the way that suits you best. Although this flexibility makes attending college easier, it doesn’t mean online learning is easier. To be successful online, you’ll need to cultivate a particular mindset and group of skills suited to the online environment.

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Check Your Tech

Get ready for your online courses by doing a "tech check." Use the browser and computer guidelines provided by UVU to ensure your tech won't get in the way of your learning. Also, confirm with your professors about any specific tech requirements for their classes.

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Set a Schedule

Make your schedule a habit. Use a weekly planner and add designated times for logging in to Canvas, for review & study, and for completing assignments. Let friends and family know the school schedule you've created, and ask them to help you honor it.

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Find Your Zone

Designate a comfortable study space free from visible and audible distractions. Be intentional about creating a space that fosters focus and concentration. By using a habitual study space, your brain will catch on over time, and you'll enter into "school mode" more quickly.

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Create a Calendar

Review each course syllabus every semester and record all assignment due dates and scheduled exams on one master calendar. TIP: Use the Canvas calendar to track all your course assignments in one place.


Plan Ahead

Never wait until the day before an assignment is due to start working on it. Using your calendar (see previous tip), add lead time for assignment and project completion and study time for tests and exams. Remember that procrastination is the enemy of online success.

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Be Present

Sure, online learning is “anytime, anywhere,” but regular participation is key to a quality online experience. Log in to each Canvas course at least four to five days a week to keep up with course discussions and instructor feedback. If you fall behind, it is difficult to catch up.

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Ask Questions

Ask your professor about something in the course that needs to be clarified. Chances are, other students are wondering about the same thing, and the professor will be happy to clear up any confusion.

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Ask for Help

When asking for help, remember the phrase “early and often.” Reach out for tutoring support when you recognize the need, and keep with it until you achieve mastery. Don’t risk waiting for things to get easier on their own—take advantage of the resources available to you to maximize your online learning experience.

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Stay Motivated

  1. Set learning goals and reward yourself when you meet them.
  2. Set aside regular “me time” to refresh and rejuvenate your mind and body.
  3. Remember your “why.” Remind yourself often of the positive impact your college degree will provide!
Headshot of Wilson the Wolverine

Questions? Ask Wilson