UVU's Online Hospitality Management program trains students in business operations, management, sales, customer service, financial services, leadership, and event planning. Taught by PhD professors and industry leaders in the Intermountain West, students gain invaluable insights and networking opportunities. The program focuses on experiential learning, providing hands-on experiences that help students acquire real-world skills.
UVU’s online Hospitality Management degrees are "stackable," meaning you can start at one level and your degree will count as credit earned toward the next degree. Our stackable degrees can provide a faster track into the workforce and help position you for career advancement while you work. With each degree, you make it easier to achieve that next degree and expand your career options.
Start Here
16 Credits
Start Here
60 Credits
Start Here
120 Credits
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics 2023 wage data external site and 2022-2032 employment
projections external site.
“Projected growth” represents the estimated change in total employment over the projections
period (2022-2032).
“Projected job openings” represent openings due to growth and replacement.