Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Completion Program

BSN classes are available online.

BSN Program InformationBSN Catalog Information BSN Degree Map RN LICENSURE COMPLIANCE TABLE

A BSN degree allows ASN-prepared nurses to learn and apply leadership skills, genomics, global health perspectives, and research for practice. A BSN degree provides the greatest opportunities for advancement in the nursing profession. In addition, a BSN degree is required for entry into graduate nursing programs, including nurse practitioner, certified nurse anesthetist, nurse educator, or nurse researcher.  UVU's BSN program is accredited by Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).


RN to BSN Program

Licensed RNs who would like to earn a BSN degree are encouraged to apply to our UVU RN-BSN program. This program is offered online, and you can attend full-time or part-time. We are proud to assist RNs and our community partners in elevating the quality of health care delivered in our communities.


Apply to the RN to BSN Program


Application Dates

Students can apply for the RN-BSN program year round. When you apply will determine the semester you can begin the program. Students must apply to both UVU and the RN-BSN program by the listed dates below:

To attend in SPRING 2025: December 1st, 2024. 

To attend in SUMMER 2025: April 1st, 2025.

To attend in FALL 2025: August 1st, 2025. 

Link to apply to UVU is at the top of this page. 


***Please schedule an appointment with the nursing advisor, Kristie Dockstader, after applying to UVU, after transferring any external credits to UVU,  and before applying to the RN-BSN program. She will verify your information and determine which semester you are eligible to attend. Please contact her at


BSN Program Learning Outcomes

  • Integrate knowledge and clinical expertise to help patients achieve optimal health outcomes.
  • Use clinical judgement, critical reflection, and technology to plan, implement, and evaluate theory and evidence-based nursing practice.
  • Demonstrate team-building and collaborative strategies in health systems, guided by nursing values and standards.
  • Establish and maintain a culture of safety in a variety of healthcare settings by applying standards, theories, and quality improvement principles.
A woman smiles at the camera in a nurses uniform with her arms crossed


Why should I get a BSN?

Nursing governing organizations encourage hospitals to hire BSN-prepared nurses. Research has shown that BSN nurses provide a level of care that supports safer care and better health outcomes for patients (Blegen et al., 2013). In addition, most organizations require a BSN for progression in nursing leadership roles, such as charge nurses and unit managers.
Blegen, M. A., Goode, C. J., Park, S. H., Vaughn, T., & Spetz, J. (2013). Baccalaureate education in nursing and patient outcomes. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 43(2), p. 89-94.

Do I have to go to campus for BSN classes?

The BSN courses are offered asynchronously online.

How do online courses and independent study courses differ?

Although both independent study courses and online courses are delivered through online means, the types of courses are very different.

  • UVU’s BSN program offers online courses for core curriculum and elective credits. This means the student accesses course content and assignments throughout each week of the semester, and there are multiple due dates. This necessitates frequently accessing the online learning management system called Canvas throughout the week; how frequently this occurs varies from course to course.
  • During an independent study course, students are able to complete some elective course requirements and assignments at their own pace. Independent study courses generally have one due date--at the very end of the course. Independent study hours can contribute to the elective course requirement in the BSN program. Several of our faculty are willing to work with students guiding their independent study hours.

I have heard that online courses are easier. Is this true?

Some students have the perception that online courses are easier than face-to-face courses. This is not true; the same academic rigor is in both types. In fact, depending on the type of learner students are, taking online courses can be more challenging. Being successful in online courses requires the student be proactive at figuring out course content and assignments, as there is no teacher physically present as in a traditional classroom. Online courses can be challenging unless students set priorities to understand the course requirements and consistently meet the expectations through the semester.

What are the advantages of taking online courses?

Online courses allow students to not be physically present on campus. Some students find more flexibility completing online course assignments around their varied work schedules. In the online environment, students need to be self-motivated and proactive about their learning to be successful.

How much time will I need to commit to an online course during a week?

For college courses, 1.0 credit equates to student engagement in learning activities for approximately 3 hours a week, amounting to 45 hours over the semester. For online courses, class time includes participating in assigned readings, online discussions, research, and other assignments. Most online courses require a significant amount of “seat” time at the computer. Additionally, these hours are multiplied with each credit (e.g. a 2.0 credit course requires 6 hours of work each week, or 90 hours during the semester; a 3.0 credit course requires 9 hours of work each week, or 135 hours during the semester, etc.).

Can I work as a nurse while taking BSN online courses?

Yes. In fact, students are encouraged to work as an RN while taking courses in UVU’s BSN program. However, because these are rigorous, upper-division courses, students are encouraged to carefully evaluate their abilities, time constraints, and other commitments when determining how many courses to take each semester.

Will Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) meet the educational requirements for the professional credential in the state or US territory I might choose to live during or after completing your UVU degree?

Visit the UVU Professional Licensure website to learn more!

Can I go to school part time and finish my BSN?

Yes. Students who take more than seven years will have to reapply to UVU and complete any new requirements made by the Nursing Department that have affected the Catalog. However, we encourage you to finish your BSN as soon as possible. 

After I get my ASN degree, I heard that I could complete my BSN in a year. Is this true?

For some student, this is true, However,  students are encouraged to assess their personal and professional time commitments and make this decision wisely. Students who completed nursing school at a location other than UVU may have other general education or upper division requirements for the BSN degree, which could lengthen completion times. All students should make consulting with the nursing advisor a priority as they plan their BSN completion.

Are BSN courses held during the summer?

Yes, core courses are offered year round. Speak with a nursing advisor to get started. 

I have been out of school a long time. Can I really do this?

Many students have successfully completed the UVU BSN program, including those who were in nursing school before computers were used. UVU has many support systems in place to help students navigate the UVU BSN program. Be proactive and reach out for help. We can point you to UVU resources to help you be successful.

Once I have my BSN, what else can I do?

Leadership roles open to you as a BSN-prepared nurse with experience. A BSN degree sets you up for future schooling. With advanced degrees, you can take on different roles in nursing. Opportunities for advanced schooling include:

  • Nurse Practitioner (Master’s prepared NP: acute care NP, family nurse practitioner FNP, mental health nurse practitioner and others)
  • Nurse Anesthetist
  • Nurse Midwife
  • Doctorate of Nurse Practitioner (DNP)
  • PhD in Nursing