Wednesday OCTOBER 11th

10:00AM - 3:20PM




Utah valley university





The New Atomic Age

Utah Valley University - Room CB-510

October 11

10:00 am

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*No conference registration required.

*Keynote Speaker Lunch — You do not need to register to attend. However, lunch will be available (at no cost) to those who do register.



10:00 AM

From Data to Discovery: Machine Learning Drtiven Surveillance Insights from Los Alamos National Laboratory, with Ross Lee

11:00 AM

Emergency Management in Nuclear Disasters, with Professor Dave McEntire (Utah Valley University, Department of Emergency Services)

12:00 PM

Keynote Speaker, Colonel Stacy E. Walser (United States Air Force, Senior Leader at Sentinel Program), & Lunch

1:30 PM

Reassessing nuclear terrorism threats twenty-plus years after 9/11, with Philipp Bleek (Professor, Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies Program; Coordinator, Cyber Collaborative; Fellow, James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies; Fellow, Center on Terrorism, Extremism, and Counterterrorism at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey)

2:30 PM

Risk Mitigation in a Nuclear Context, with Timothy Watt (Principal Cybersecurity Engineer at the MITRE Corporation)



For more information, contact Rachael Hutchings, Deputy Director, Center for National Security Studies:

[email protected]

A Look at Last Year's Conference

Last Years Conference  Presentor 2022 Nuclear Conference