Wolverine Stories: Aleksa Porter

Constant learning doesn’t stop when you graduate; learning doesn’t stop when you stop going to class. So, don’t let fear dictate what you’re going to do in life. Just do it.

Aleksa Porter

UVU Prepared Me to Be a Co-Founder

I feel like UVU is the best place that prepared me for all of the responsibilities that I have. I was able to see real-life scenarios, experience real-life projects, and be able to learn from professors that had not just been a professor but had actually been in the workforce. They had different experiences that I was able to learn from them. Now in the real world, I do similar things that they had done, too.

People give this impression of UVU and say, “Anyone can go there, anyone can be a part of that, and anyone can do it.” Yeah, they’re right, but there are amazing people at UVU. It is just really incredible to see UVU on top, and how they’ve progressed and how they’ve expanded and developed their students.

The Finishing Line

I was shopping around different schools and got accepted to all the other schools. But, I met one of the professors at UVU, who introduced me to public relations. Ultimately, UVU was the best option for me academically and for the community feel of UVU. I love that each student is represented at UVU. That it can provide different outlets for students’ success.

My proudest moment at UVU was the finishing line. Not so much being done with UVU and my experience there but being able to look back and see what I had accomplished. The professors set us up for success, knew us individually, and were aware of how we could succeed. So, looking back, I take pride in knowing that they were the ones I was able to associate with and to help me accomplish or help me with my further accomplishments.



A few years ago, some partners approached me and asked to start a company. When we started that company, we had no idea what was going to happen. We all jumped into this company and worked really hard to create it.

We’ve created a company called Wander and have been around for almost two years now. We partner with destinations, private destinations, municipalities, and tourism bureaus. We help them create 3D interactive maps that they can distribute to their visitors via a QR code.


So, when you go visit a place, rather than them handing you a paper map and saying, “Good luck,” they’ll now say, “Scan the QR code,” and you have the most up-to-date information because it’s provided directly from the destination and not just a public data source. You’re able to explore that place and see the local things that are highlighted within the map and immerse yourself within an experience rather than just hoping to find the closest McDonald’s.

Honestly, starting a company is really hard. It takes a lot takes a lot of time, and it takes a lot of effort, and emotions. It basically tests everything that you’ve got. But I knew from the people that I was partnering with that we are going to succeed.

I get so excited about my team just because of who they are and the excitement within our company. We would not be anywhere without our team. Our team and I took great pride in finding the right team members to be successful. The potential that we have to spread not just across the US but across the entire world is really exciting. We’ve found a niche where we can succeed and the need in this world that we’re filling.

Aleksa Porter

Don’t Let Fear Dictate Your Future

The advice I would give to current students is don’t let fear dictate the future. We let fear dictate what we’re going to do in life and say, “Well, I’m not this qualified, and I’m not that qualified.” Understand that life is about learning. Constant learning doesn’t stop when you graduate; learning doesn’t stop when you stop going to class. So, don’t let fear dictate what you’re going to do in life. Just do it. Don’t wait for someone to give you permission. You take the permission, and you run with it.



UVU Communications