In the article titled “Personality and Leadership: How Gender Impacts Perceptions
of Effectiveness,” published inHR Strategic Review,Dr. Maureen Andrade offers the following takeaways from her review of empirical research:
- Both agentic and communal qualities are needed for effective leadership but may require
a different emphasis depending on the situation.
- Leaders must be aware that the same approach (e.g., task-focused or relationship-
focused) will not fit every situation – a careful situational analysis is needed.
- This analysis involves determining employee skill, motivation and commitment; identifying
appropriate levels of support and encouragement; and establishing common goals.
- The situational analysis must be accompanied by personal skill. This entails self-
understanding of personal strengths and weaknesses as well as gender biases that may
impact self-beliefs and levels of confidence.
- Big Five personality traits such as extraversion, conscientiousness and openness to
experience contribute to perceptions of leadership effectiveness and leader self-
efficacy, particularly for women.
- As such, women should build on and develop these strengths to increase leadership
self-efficacy and be provided with opportunities to expand their experience.
To learn more,access the full article here.