UVU to Host 10th Annual Volunteer Week

University Marketing & Communications: Layton Shumway | 801-863-6863 | [email protected]

Written by: Erika Sargent | 801-863-0711 | [email protected]

Utah Valley University’s Volunteer & Service-Learning Center will host the 10th annual UVolunteer Week. From September 25-29, students from the Center will lead the campus in a variety of service opportunities. This year, UVU’s Service Council has moved away from traditional service projects and will instead focus on raising awareness for mental health.

“I hope that students are willing to question their preconceived ideas on what mental health is,” said Jackson Miner, President of UVU’s Service Council. “It’s a larger issue than what people realize. If they see how mental health can affect them, and if they’re willing to listen and take it to heart, they’re more willing to speak up and become an advocate for it.”

Advocacy is a major part of UVolunteer Week with an entire day dedicated to having students write their local representatives about increasing government funding for Mental Health Services on campus.

While the topic of mental health awareness is serious in tone and purpose, the Service Council will host a few lighthearted opportunities throughout the week including a day of destressing with dogs and self-care through art therapy.

For a full calendar of events, visit www.uvu.edu/volunteer. All events will occur from 11 a.m.- 1 p.m.

Fourth region (Section 1)