President Holland:
How long has Dr. Matthew S. Holland served as President of Utah Valley University?
Dr. Holland was installed as president of Utah Valley University on June 1, 2009, and is in his ninth year of service.
When is President Holland’s last day at UVU?
President Holland’s last day as UVU President will be sometime in early June 2018.
What are President Holland’s plans for UVU between now and when he leaves?
President Holland will continue to serve and pursue institutional priorities as President of UVU until early June 2018. Anyone who knows him will tell you he will push ahead tenaciously until the very last moment. He will also work hand-in-hand with the University’s talented and dedicated leadership team, faculty, and staff to ensure UVU’s continued success and a smooth and successful transition to his successor.
Where will President Holland serve as LDS Mission President?
The LDS Church has said the Hollands will preside over an English-speaking mission and will announce the location later in the year.
Will President Holland return to UVU after he finishes serving as an LDS mission president?
While President Holland hopes to continue to contribute to UVU’s success as a private citizen, he has no plans to return to any official UVU position at this time.
Transition of University President:
When will the search for the new UVU President begin?
The Board of Regents and Commissioner of Utah Higher Education will launch a search for a successor right away, with hopes of having someone new in place by summer 2018.
How does a new President get selected?
The Utah State Board of Regents in consultation with the institution’s Board of Trustees will lead the search for the new university president. An overview of the search process can be found at:
LDS Church Service
Information regarding the LDS Church and expectations of a LDS mission president can be found at: