Ceremony Celebrates Construction Milestone for Scott M. Smith Building at Utah Valley University

Utah Valley University leaders, along with key donors, supporters, and community members, celebrated a year of progress in the construction of the upcoming Scott M. Smith Building on Sept. 26. The new building will house UVU’s Smith College of Engineering and Technology (CET).


Utah Valley University leaders, along with key donors, supporters, and community members, celebrated a year of progress in the construction of the upcoming Scott M. Smith Building on Sept. 26. The new building will house UVU’s Smith College of Engineering and Technology (CET).

The event featured a “topping out” ceremony, where a single steel girder was signed by attendees and lifted into place at the highest point of the structure.

Speakers at the event included UVU President Astrid S. Tuminez, Vice President Val Peterson, CET Dean Kelly Flanagan, and representatives from Layton Construction. Namesake donor Scott M. Smith was also in attendance. Smith and his wife, Karen, donated $25 million in funding for the building’s creation.

UVU’s College of Engineering and Technology includes more than 6,400 students. The new building will provide:

  • Enhanced collaborative learning environments using modular and flexible furnishings and spaces to accommodate emerging technologies
  • Experiential educational spaces and program-specific classrooms and labs that allow for hands-on learning experiences
  • Manufacturing facilities with designing, testing, and fabrication capabilities

The Scott M. Smith Building is scheduled to be completed in January 2026.