Prepare for the Closure of myUVU Google Accounts This Summer

The Google Workspace will be retired prior to the fall 2023 semester.


Dear Faculty and Staff,

What is happening to the Google Workspace that students use?

The Google Workspace will be retired prior to the fall 2023 semester. Students will have the summer to download any important files and forward any important mail.

Why is this happening?

In 2020, we undertook the complex task of unifying students, faculty, and staff into the Microsoft 365 productivity suite. Recent changes to Google policies for higher education reinforced this decision.

What if my curriculum requires students to access Google Workspace?

Because UVU is unifying around the Microsoft 365 productivity suite, we are not actively promoting Google Workspace to students. However, we recognize that certain curriculum requires the use of Google Workspace. Therefore, UVU will provide students with a Google Workspace account starting with summer semester 2023. When the curriculum requires the use of Google Workspace, faculty will tell students to access their Google account by signing in with their [email protected].

When and how will faculty and staff be impacted?

  1. On March 10, 2023, a 15 GB individual storage limit will be placed on all UVU Google accounts.
  2. On May 6, 2023, faculty and staff will begin using their UVID instead of their name to sign into the Google Workspace. Additionally, the Gmail app in Google Workspace will be disabled.
  3. Starting with the summer semester, any references to Gmail or the Google Workspace should be removed from any processes, documentation, or curriculum.

Why is my Google sign-in changing to my UVID on May 6?

Instead of signing in with your name and authenticating with your UVID, both steps will use your UVID. This sign-in practice is standard in the industry and will make the process more streamlined and uniform.

Will changing my Google sign-in to my UVID have any secondary effects?

There are a number of potential impacts to be aware of. For example, if you have used your UVU Google account to sign into a third-party website, there will likely be an impact the next time you try to sign into the third-party site.

For more information and an in-depth look at the timeline of changes, see We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this change.