We asked our followers on social media to tell us why they feel lucky to be Wolverines and share some of their luckiest moments with us.
At Utah Valley University, it’s easy to avoid the traditional St. Patrick’s Day pinch. But the good luck that comes with wearing Wolverine green goes even further.
We asked our followers on social media to tell us why they feel lucky to be Wolverines and share some of their luckiest moments with us. Here’s what they had to say. If you’d like to join in, be sure to follow UVU on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn and share your story with us.
Years ago, the UVU Bookstore was hosting a giveaway for an iPad, and if I recall correctly, all that had to be done was drop a ticket into a bowl for every book purchased at the Bookstore. I was the lucky winner, but when I first received the call, I thought it was a spam caller. I was somewhat short with the individual and pressed the Bookstore staff to get more information. When I soon realized it wasn't a scam, I apologized profusely and was extremely embarrassed to show my face to pick up the iPad.
P.S. I still have the iPad.
— Patrick Broos, via LinkedIn
My luckiest moment as a Wolverine was when I passed Dr. Shively's anatomy lecture and lab with an "A!"
— Sarah Newby Miles, via Facebook
I feel lucky to be at UVU because of all the leadership experiences with @uvusocialimpact, @uvustudents, @uvustudentalumni, @uvulife, and @prssa_uvu!! I wouldn’t have grown so much and met the people I have met without UVU and these experiences!
— Angela Lavender, via Instagram
I feel lucky to be at UVU because it was a fresh start for me. I had a difficult time in high school; college here has provided me a safe and empowering educational experience. I am so grateful for all the professors and staff that are so willing to help me work for my future.
— Jenna Webb, via LinkedIn
I bowled a 200 once in your bowling alley! Personal best.
— Zachary Lampropoulos, via LinkedIn
Luckiest moment as a Wolverine: when @b.rom & @taylordeanbell took a chance on me and gave me a position on UVUSA. I got friends, great experiences, and later a job because of that “lucky” opportunity.
— Rachel Hansen, via Instagram
Being at UVU has been lucky for me to have access to amazing and caring academic coaches, medical and mental health professionals, and professors who understand physical and mental needs. Thanks @utah.valley.university @uvuacademicstandards@uvumentalhealth @uvuhealthservices.
— Sara Ivie, via Instagram
In the fall of 2018, I was lucky enough to have a school schedule that allowed me to go to Ireland with my dad. While there, we got to see my grandfather’s childhood home!
— Alex Quinn, via Instagram
The Financial Planning Program at UVU has really been life-changing for me. I have gone to conferences, participated in competitions, and had the opportunity to coach my peers. I have been afforded many networking, experience, and educational opportunities that I would not have gotten in other programs at other schools. I feel like I am graduating with a purpose and even have gotten several job offers for after graduation! I am proud to be a Wolverine!
— Eryka Helsten, via LinkedIn
My first semester at then-UVSC was in 2005; I was 19. I dropped out after one failed semester. I came back in 2009 and dropped out again after losing my Pell Grant due to bad grades. I thought my chances of finishing a degree were gone, because I couldn't afford tuition without financial assistance. I was lucky to have some generous extended family offer to pay for a semester of school to get my grades up. When I met with a financial aid advisor, I was lucky again to find out I still qualified for one semester on Pell Grant, and my family was off the hook! So in 2014, I came back to UVU, got my first college 4.0, and got my grades up. I stuck with it and worked harder than ever, not taking this third chance for granted. I graduated in December 2019, at age 33, almost 15 years after I became a Wolverine, with a cumulative 3.37 GPA. I was also lucky to do so debt-free. I wouldn't have chosen anywhere else for my education.
— Wade Walker, via Instagram
Luckiest moment: when I got that phone call from the commissioner saying I had been selected to be president of UVU!
— President Astrid S. Tuminez, via Instagram