COVID-19: Moving From Orange to Yellow Phase

Governor Gary Herbert announced that a majority of the state, including Utah County, will transition from orange, the moderate risk phase, to the yellow phase, or the low-risk phase.



Governor Gary Herbert announced on Thursday that a majority of the state, including Utah County, will transition from orange, the moderate risk phase, to the yellow phase, or the low-risk phase, on Saturday as part of the Utah Leads Together 2.0 plan for reopening Utah amid the coronavirus pandemic. The move from orange to yellow impacts everyone except high-risk individuals.

You may now be wondering what this means for our Utah Valley University campus community.

Under the state’s yellow level, groups of 50 or fewer are allowed to interact. Some sports can resume with advised symptom health checks, and limited out-of-state travel can occur.

Employers are to exercise discretion with remote work and returning to onsite work and are encouraged to make flexible work arrangements, follow hygiene guidelines, and continue social distancing in the workplace. Face coverings are to be worn when social distancing is difficult. No one who is ill should be on campus. Safety remains the number one priority.

For most students and employees, the move will not significantly impact your current learning and working activities. Still, it will guide the future expansion of activities as we continue the transition into the “new normal." 

A majority of students will continue the first block of the summer semester in all online courses. We hope to provide some face-to-face learning opportunities during the second block summer session. The university plans a mixture of online, blended, and face-to-face learning opportunities during the fall semester. The details of this phased approach are currently in the works, and you can expect more communication regarding UVU’s plans soon.

As we announced during the “Talk With Tuminez” Town Hall on Wednesday, employees will continue to work remotely, if possible, for the time being. Employees will return to campus in phases depending on the work that needs to be completed. For the coming months, it is likely that many staff who are now working remotely will continue to do so. Some may also work part of the time on campus, and remotely. Your supervisors will communicate specific guidance going forward.

Meanwhile, the following buildings will reopen for limited usage on Monday, May 18:

  • The dōTERRA Wolverine Training Dome
    • Open to specific athletes and trainers 
  • Health Sciences Building
    • Open to specific training programs 
  • Utah Fire and Rescue Academy
    • Open to specific training programs 
  • Aviation
    • Open to specific training programs 

We are pleased to see the progress that has been made through the efforts of everyone to stop the spread of COVID-19. An abundance of caution remains necessary as we work together to continue to provide an environment where educational opportunities transform lives, and where exceptional care for one another and exceptional accountability lead to exceptional results.

Thank you for your patience and efforts during this unusual period. We look forward to a time when we can all be together again on UVU campuses. 


Wayne Vaught
Provost/Vice President – Academic Affairs