Asset Manager The LDS Church
How has your degree from UVU helped you in your current position?
"I am so thankful for my degree from UVU and how it prepared me to enter the workforce. It took me quite a while to choose a major, but once I was introduced to IS (which I gladly advertise and tell anyone and everyone about) I knew that IS was the right choice for me. I loved the coursework and integration of business and technology in all of my classes. I know I’m not as technical as many other people, but I felt that it would benefit me to incorporate technical learning into my studies."
"Throughout my experience in the IS program at UVU, I was pushed past my own limitations and introduced to a new way of thinking. Being one of very few girls in the program, it often was intimidating walking into classrooms and being the minority. However, I made great friends and learned to work well in situations and groups I wasn’t always comfortable in. Not only did my knowledge of technology and business increase throughout my courses, I learned how to be more organized, and most importantly, how to work well with a large variety of people. What I appreciate most about what I learned throughout my experience at UVU is the way to approach tasks and problems. I feel that by incorporating the technological aspects into my education, it really helped me become more detail oriented and learn to work with tools and find ways to incorporate resources into my work for greater success."
"I believe my current position is the perfect fit for an IS student and a great introduction into the workforce. I get to interact with the business side of our company and provide useful data to them by using tools to help track and manage our IT assets. I feel like my role is the perfect median of the technology and business worlds by using technical tools and resources to aid in the business decisions for our department. I assist in reviewing, analyzing, and right-sizing/correcting existing asset management contracts, licenses, data records, as well as creating process and controls for the maintenance of the data in efforts to improve efficiency and ensure appropriate uses of the company’s dollars."
"I am so thankful for the professors I was able to learn from. I truly felt like I was known as an individual and that each of my professors had my best interest at heart. I knew that I could approach my professors for help, advice, and most importantly, I enjoyed being part of their classes and learning from them. I can’t say enough positive things about my experience at UVU in the IS program. From the professors, to the course load, and the people I met, it was all a positive experience. I am truly grateful for my education and the way it helped prepare me for my future."
Industry view of UVU graduates
"I have heard great things about UVU’s IS department. Many people talk highly of the students entering the workforce from UVU’s IS program and how prepared they are for the work."
Advice for new students
"Push yourself and be open minded! The work is hard, and you will need discipline to make it through many of the classes, but, because you have such great professors who want to help you succeed, you have every tool you need to be successful. Be sure to find an internship that relates to the things you are learning in your classes. I was lucky enough to participate in an internship the summer after all of my classes were completed and was hired on immediately after the internship ended. My internship was crucial to finding a great job and helped me gain needed experience. The IT world is growing fast and will continue to provide wonderful jobs. If you work hard through school and focus on how the concepts you are learning relate to business (development, data quality, business analytics, etc.) you will be able to benefit many companies and find success in your career. "