UVU Women Awards

The UVU Women Awards is a series of awards to recognize change makers in our community who contribute to the Women’s Intercultural Engagement Program’s mission. These individuals or entities are being recognized for their work to inspire, encourage, and motivate women to complete their college degrees. Below, you will see descriptions of awards that may be given each year, however, not all awards will be given every year.

The inaugural UVU Women Awards ceremony took place November 13, 2019, and recognized three members from UVU and the larger community who have supported and continue to support WIEP and its mission.

Award Types

Student Achievement Award

The Student Achievement Award recognizes a UVU student who exemplifies the mission of WIEP through their own work and pursuits, as well as by their example and dedication to their fellow students and the UVU community.

Outstanding Alumni Award Award

The Alumni Award is given to a UVU alum who embodies the WIEP mission by using their degree to pursue their dreams and find their success after graduation. This alum shows current students that an education is a worthy investment in future successes.

Distinguished Service Award

The Distinguished Service Award recognizes the contributions of an individual who has shared their time and talent in support of UVU women staying in school and completing their degrees.

Faculty Service Award

The Faculty Services Award recognizes those faculty at Utah Valley University who embody the WIEP mission through their scholarship, teaching, and services. Their dedication helps WIEP as we work toward our goal to keep women in.

Administrator Award

The Administrator Award recognizes an administrator who exemplifies the WIEP mission in their work and services to the UVU community.

Community Partner Award

The Community Partner Award recognizes the contributions of a community partner who has collaborated with WIEP and supports the WIEP mission.

Illumine Award

The Illumine Award recognizes an individual who brings light to the lives of UVU students through their generous philanthropic work.